January 24, 2025

Dragonboat Race on the Sea of Galilee Israel

URGENT Gatekeepers Alert: Immediate Need for Prayer in Israel

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Dragon Boat Races will be taking place on the Sea of Galilee which is at the intersection of three borders, Israel, Syria, and Jordan. Nearby on September 3, 1260 the invading Mongolian Empire suffered a crushing defeat from the forces of the Sultan of Egypt that stopped their westward expansion and conquest of Jerusalem less than 100 miles away. The Mongolian conquest rivaled that of Alexander and Napoleon.

Over 70 Syrians were reportedly killed at the Syrian Israeli border as the civil war in Syria is heightened by proxy troops from Iran. Intercessors on the Israeli side of the border physically smelled death over the area.

They are there to intercede against the Dragon Boat Races being held on the Sea of Galilee from May 17-18, 2012 which are being held for the first time in its history.  Already officials have publicly welcomed the races and Buddhist priests have painted in the spiritual eyes of the Dragon Deity. Although it seems like a harmless tourist attraction, according to an intercessor from New York City who has been an eyewitness to the races in Flushing Meadows, it is anything but. Rather it is an act of provocation against God, as they make incantations to bring in the Dragon Deity.

The following three issues which build upon one another need immediate prayer as our team is now engaged on the ground in fierce spiritual warfare.

  • Dragon Boat Race on the Sea of Galilee Israel.
  • Buddhist Tantric Vases (“Peace Vases”) buried in Israel.
  • Buddhist Blood Relics Displayed in Old Jerusalem.
Intercession for the Dragon Boat Race on the Sea of Galilee  
Submitted by an Intercessor in New York City

Dragon Boat Racing is the fastest growing water sport, if not the largest in the world. Dragon Boat Races originated in China over 2,000 years ago to honor the memory of Qu Yuan, the famous Chinese statesman and poet who drowned himself in the Mi Lo River in protest of government corruption.

Dragon boat races are now occurring in an increasing number of cities around the world every year.  Few believers are aware of dragon boat races in their community or know of its global popularity. Even fewer know of its spiritual significance and the dark forces promoting it.



Dragon Boat Race Concerns

Spiritually astute observers have been lead to conclude that dragon boat races are not as benign as they seem. The religious rituals to “awaken the dragon spirit” conducted during the opening ceremonies of dragon boat festivals may even have “end time” significance. The participation of leaders in these rituals ranging from government agencies,  banks, corporations, and community organizations appear to be creating a global ceremonial platform which inadvertently acknowledge the Dragon from the book of Revelation. 

This year, in the Chinese “Year of the Dragon,” the first Dragon Boat Race will be conducted in Israel on the southern shores of the Sea of Galilee, May 17-18. The area of the event is known as a stronghold of occult practices. 

 Israeli and American believers interceding in advance of the Dragon Boat Race have been reporting the “smell of death.” As the site is situated where the borders of Israel, Syria, and Jordan converge, it is believed that the Dragon, Satan may be seeking to ignite a war that would engulf all three nations. 

An additional note: In 1996, the Dragon Boat Races were reinstituted at the same site where it all began in China. Stories abound of human sacrifices to the Dragon Deity in which no one was allowed to help other teams whose boat happened to capsize as their lives were an offering to the Dragon. In recent years, there have been tragic accidents in Malaysia and Singapore that have claimed the lives of over ten young men and one coach. Kate Middleton and Prince William were both on Dragon Boat teams. Presently, a large statue of the Red Dragon is being built in Wales which is taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York City’s Harbor.


Requested Intercession

  •  Please pray that the church becomes more aware of the dragon boat race phenomena and its spiritual significance.
  • Pray that the forces of darkness associated with Dragon Boat Races are resisted globally and specifically in Israel.
  • Pray against the Dragon’s strategy to unleash regional war against Israel.
  • Pray protection for the intercessors from Israel, Asia, and the US who are praying on site.
  • Pray that the LORD of Hosts imparts strategies that are victorious over the dragon according to Isaiah 27:1 and Revelation 12:11.

 Fifteen Buddhist “Peace Vases” Planted in Israel

Submitted by an intercessor in Los Angeles.

“Watch, stand fast in the belief, be men, be strong.” 1 Cor 16:13

In 1991 , six thousand earthen vessels were constructed by Tantric Buddhist Lamas in Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon and were filled according to occult instructions with ocean water, ground precious stones, and “nectar”  bound together in balls according to ancient ritual practices. In Los Angeles, tantric substances used in skull mandalas were publicly said to contain human feces, seminal fluids, Ox fluids and other defiling substances disgraceful to mention. Vases and lotus flowers in Buddhism represent the vagina, and their goddess Kannon, or Kwan Yin, the female counterpart of Avalokitsevara, the patron deity of Tibet which is said to inhabit the Dalai Lama. The express purpose of these vases which are identified by GPS coordinates, is to establish a spiritual grid across the globe to bring peace and healing to the environment bringing it under the dominion of the Adi Buddha, the universal religious emperor. However, this idolatrous practice is an act of defilement as they have been planted all around the globe including in Indonesia to establish Buddhist dominion. They have already placed them over all the designated sites in Indonesia and the USA, including all the state capitols, all the major rivers, sacred sites, Great Lakes, Washington, DC, and on major mountain peaks as their high places. You can see the map and vase locations by googling Siddhartha’s Intent Peace Vases.

In Israel, they have buried them on two points of the Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Golan Heights, Haifa, Jericho at Hishams Palace, Mt. Meron, Mt. Precipice, Nazareth, Tel Aviv Yafo, West Jerusalem.

Prayer Points:

Awaken Gatekeepers in Israel to the serious consequences of allowing modern sophisticated idolatry into Israel in the guise of tourism, “peace vases”, sand mandalas and seemingly harmless rituals of the Dragon Boat Races dedicated to the Dragon deity.

Ask YHWH to pour out a spirit of intercession over Israel. Sound the shofar and warn them not to imitate the detestable practices of the nations.”  And the consequence. “New gods were chosen and then the enemy was in the gates.”  Prayerfully read Isaiah 28-29.

“Do not imitate the detestable practices of the nations.”  (Psalm 2)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel (Psalm 122:6-9). Long ago, during Nehemiah’s day, there were over 172 Gatekeepers raised up from Akkab, Talmon and brothers to protect Jerusalem. “They took upon themselves a curse and an oath to walk in God’s law, which was given through Moses, God’s servant, and to keep and to observe all the commandment of God our LORD, and His ordinances and His statues” (Neh. 10:29). Pray for national repentance for all the idolatry that is being allowed into the land through the disobedience of their spiritual gatekeepers and for a new generation of gatekeepers zealous for the glory of YHWH.

Ask God for forgiveness for the defilement that has been allowed into Israel and for a cleansing of the land where these items have been placed. “Howl, you shepherds, and cry! And roll yourselves in the ashes, you leaders of the flock! For the days of your slaughter and scattering are completed, and you shall fall like a choice vessel (Jeremiah 25:34). “Yisra’el has been swallowed up. They have now become among the nations as a vessel in which is no pleasure” (Hosea 8:8). Why do you displease YHWH? “Does not the potter have authority over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for value and another not for value (Romans 9:21)?” Beseech the LORD to be merciful in His chastening.

Pray for a Psalm 91 covering over all those who are interceding on the behalf of Israel during the Dragon Boat Races and for those in the Covenant Community who are called out ones who follow the Lamb of God. “Praise Him, O servants of the LORD” (Psalm 135).

O LORD God, YHWH, God of Hosts, who is like Thee, O Mighty LORD? Who are we to approach You, for You are HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Only by the blood sacrifice of Yeshua our Messiah, who purchased us by His death on the cross. “Thy faithfulness surrounds Thee.” We confess with grief the shame of Israel and the false bride of Christ, who have allowed their defenses down so far as to even consider and now to invite the Dragon Boat races to Israel which opens the gate to the worship of false gods & for serving Mammon & not God. 

“Thou dost rule the swelling of the sea” sadly, horrifically some are praying to a false god, who is not god, but a Dragon Deity who sits on the sea proudly usurping the glory that is due to no one but YOU. YOU who “when the waves rise, Thou dost still them. Thou Thyself didst crush Rahab like one who is slain.” “Was it not You who cut Rahab to pieces, who pierced the Dragon? (Is. 51:9).  It is You YHWH “who stirs up the sea and its waves roar.” (Is. 51:15). The LORD of Hosts is His Name! They have forgotten their Maker. They are ignorant and willful. Chasten them unto repentance. Your Word has not changed.

Do not despise the Warnings of the LORD. While there are many participants who are simply involved in this event to raise money for noteable charities, we believe that the event itself is a poor choice as the underlying deity it honors is displeasing to the LORD as the Dragon as perceived by Holy Scripture is considered to be equivalent to Satan and in a Holy War against YHWH, the Torah and all that Christians and Jews stand for.

To the Israeli’s “Did not your fathers do the same so that our God brought on us and on this city, all this trouble? Yet you are adding to the wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath” (Nehemiah 13:18). By going against the commandments of the LORD GOD of Israel. Do not make a covenant with death. Follow Yeshua Ha’Moshiach who resisted the temptations of Satan in the desert who had promised all the kingdoms of the world if Yeshua would only bow down and worship him. Resist the Devil and he will flee. All the earth is YHWH’s and all it contains, not Satan’s. He is a dispossessed deity.

“And I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old who is the devil.” Revelation 20

Pray for strength for those who repel the onslaught at the gate” (Isaiah 28:6) and for the protection of the remnant of His people for whom YHWH is a glorious diadem.

Heart Shrine Relic Tour Hosted in the Old Jerusalem Quarter January 2012

In January 2012, the Old Jerusalem quarter was host to a collection of Buddhist relics collected over the last 2500 years which were displayed and worshipped by visitors. It has been touring the globe to raise funds for the construction of a 500’statue of the Maitreya Buddha in India housing over 2,000,000 idols. The exhibit in Jerusalem was specially renamed“Pearls of Compassion” although around the world it has been called “Heart Shrine Relic Tour.”  These supposed “pearls” are remains sifted out of the ash left behind after the cremation of Buddhist monks which form mineral deposits which they consider holy. As Christians we are not to worship any relics, but are to worship the LORD GOD and Him alone.  In a video of the ceremony in Old Jerusalem, they are held to the heads of participant’s and those who are arranging the relics to receive the deceased energy. It is forbidden by Holy Scripture to touch these defiled objects or to worship them. “You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 26:1).

Pray that the eyes of the priests in Jerusalem and others hosting these objects be opened to the liberating truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only Messiah that can save us from our sin. “For they are a nation lacking in counsel, and there is no understanding in them. Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would discern their future” (Deuteronomy 32:28-29).

Pray against the influence of this defilement. “Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. For the land had become defiled, therefore I have visited its punishment upon it, so that the land has spewed out its inhabitants.” (Leviticus 18:24,25; Deuteronomy Chapter 28).

“Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the LORD your God.” (Lev. 19:4). “I then will destroy your high places, and cut down your incense altars, and heap your remains on the remains of your idols; for My soul shall abhor you” (Leviticus 26:30).

Pray that Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, New Agers and Moslems repent for their idolatry as representatives from all these groups have attended these ceremonies. “All that is hidden shall be revealed.”  (Deuteronomy 32:15-22).

Repentance from spiritism: “As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people. You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 20:6-7).

DAY 40 “What if you only have one life?

Open Shame

Monday, July 18, 2011

by James C. Stephens

“Let now the astrologers, those who prophesy by the stars, those who predict by the new moons, stand up and save you from what will come upon you. Behold, they have become like stubble, fire burns them; they can not deliver themselves from the power of the flame.”  ~Isaiah 47:13-14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Who has fashioned a god or cast an idol to no profit? Behold all his companions will be put to shame, for the craftsman are mere men. Let them all assemble themselves, let them stand up, let them tremble, let them together be put to shame..He feeds on ashes; a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he can not deliver himself, nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?” Isaiah44:9-11,20.

In one of the opening scenes of The LORD of the Rings when Gandalf, the Wise seeks wisdom from his master about a great invisible battle, he discovers that Saruman has cast his lot in with the powers of Mordor. At one point his master calls him to join the dark forces as his “friend.” 

Gandalf replies, “Tell me friend, when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?”  He then engages in a spiritual battle with Saruman that he loses temporarily. Likewise, at times it seems that the Church has forgotten her Master Yeshua and sold itself into captivity. A blindness has overtaken her. Few, few, very few engaged in battle though they were warned. There is a judgment reserved for those who in time of moral crisis do not take up their cross and engage in battle.

Not one jot or tittle will pass away from YHWH’s WORD.  YHWH warns those who participated in the Kalachakra in WDC, “In spite of your many sorceries,…in spite of the great power of your spells..evil will come upon you which you wil not know how to charm away.” Isaiah 47:8-15. 

There is a war raging, invisible as it may be. People will one day look back and ask, “How did it come to this? Were there not warnings along the way?” Then they will remember the warnings, but it will be too late. It was a major battle.  I see now with more clarity.  The Tibetan Buddhist shamans and company are doing exactly as they have been programmed to do. To them, we issue warning, “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens.” (Jeremiah 10:11).  You are simply pawns in an ancient battle which few of you have any clue you’re involved in. “And YHWH said to the serpent, “Because you have done this (caused mankind to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, to commit the original sin which set the fall in motion), cursed are you more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life (he will be cast into the everlasting lake of fire reserved for Satan and his rebellious angels). And I will put enmity beween you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise (crush) you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heal.”  Genesis 3:14.

When I read your public Tweets during the Kalachakra speaking of Americans as barbarians and that Vajrayana Buddhism was here to conquer”  I realized that your minds are being held captive by the lies of the evil one.  “And the dragon was enraged with the woman and went of to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.”  You are being used in a great battle, but do you know the score?  I think not. You are religious, zealous, but zeal does not always mean we are walking in truth. This world is passing away.

Yeshua is engaged in a battle for your soul. I think of the many Tibetan Christian brothers and sisters that I have had over the years, many persecuted by other Tibetan lamas. They had forgiven them even when they marched around their home in Leh for days chanting “Death to the Christian pastor!”  Dear Brother Stephen has now gone to his reward, no doubt talking to HIS MASTER YESHUA on your behalf. Fearless brothers and sisters.  You are like sheep gone astray and living on the edge of eternity’s cliff. You think, and are lied to that you have many lives to figure it all out. May I just ask you to consider, “What if you only have one life? Who shall you serve? What is your life if not in service to your Creator?

“I YHWH am the Maker of all things,

Stretching out the heavens by Myself,

And spreading out the earth all alone,

Causing the omens of boasters to fail,

Making fools out of diviners,

Causing wise men to draw back,

And turning their knowledge into foolishness.

Confirming the word of His servant,

And performing the purpose of His messengers.

It is I who says of Jerusalem,

‘She shall be inhabited.’

Isaiah 44:24b-26a

You have been purchased with a great price. He knows you by name and will redeem you from the ashes of your vain past and create in you a new heart.

“Listen! Your watchman lift up their voices,

They shout joyfully together;

For they will see with their own eyes

When YHWH restores ZION.

Break forth, shout joyfully together,

You waste places of Jerusalem,

For the LORD has comforted His people

He has redeemed Jerusalem.

The LORD has bared his Holy arem

In the sight of all the nations,

That all the ends of the earth may

see the Salvation of our ELOHIM.”

Isaiah 52:7-10

RED ALERT WDC ~ The Fear of the LORD

The Fear of the LORD

by James Stephens

Friday, July 15, 2011

A nation drinks a cup it has filled with  its own sin and iniquity. We are all guilty. None of us is innocent. Why do the nations conspire against YHWH and against YESHUA His Anointed One? Nationalism aside. Patriotism aside. Partisanship aside. Kiss the Son, less you perish.

Today, ask yourselves, whom do we serve? This day you must choose. Friday, July 15, a full moon is the half way mark of 2011. The Nation is divided as the President and Congress claim time is running out and face a potential  “economic Armageddon.”  While nearby at the Verizon Center the XIV Dalai Lama, the Kalachakra Master,  sits as the “time god” on the Shambhala Kingdom’s Throne empowering over 10,000 initiates from around the globe, including oracles, shamans,  lamas, an American judge, a former Catholic Bishop. The pluralist pope of peace  invokes over 722 deities, we would call demons, and conducts the Kalachakra (time god) Tantra for the thirty first time (1,500,000  initiates),  ritual rites of possession over the land,  to empower the Adi Buddha, the universal religious emperor, aka the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Where are the consecrated prayer warriors of old engaging the purveyors of idolatry on our soil in Washington, DC? They cry out from their brittle bones,

“There are giants in the land! BUT FAR GREATER IS HE WHO SITS ON HIS THRONE IN HEAVEN. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus our LORD and ask for a release the FEAR OF YHWH UPON WASHINGTON, DC.

Please pray for us in these hours. I need my arms lifted up. I am weary in this battle. 10,000 initiates, including oracles, shamans, and  lamas wage a dark ritual of devilish design in Washington,  DC. Release wisdom and the FEAR of YHWH.

“Standing with you. YHWH raises up a standard against the enemy.”

“Where are the young warriors?

Where two or three are gathered before Your Throne Yeshua, You are there. We agree whatever is bound on earth it shall be done in heaven. Bind these imposters, these principalities and powers who are keeping Your Tibetan, Mongolian, Bhutanese, Nepalese, Sinhalese, Indian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean in bondage. Set the captives free!

“Jesus is LORD. Fear not and fret not. Though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.”

“I see Mt. Carmel. I see the thundering rivers of living water that come from His mouth, sweeping and cleansing that which the enemy would seek to flood the nation with. Father we release the Living Waters from Your Throne. We and the atmospheres of the earth reject what the enemy would seek to release. LORD we release Your mighty warrior/binding angels to seal and hold and lock shut every demonic portal open and that they’d seek to open. We loose Your light and salvation over every human soul trapped by the lies of Buddhism.”

“Remember Eagle Rock. Proclaim that He is mightier. “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Behold all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; Those who contend with you will be as nothing, and will perish.”  Isaiah 41:10-11

“Thus you shall say to them, “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens.” Jeremiah 10:11.”

“Every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge; Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols; For his molten images are deceitful, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of mockery; In the time of their punishment they will perish.”

I don’t have many visions, am conservative, but the LORD does give me assignments and at times reveals great things. I had a vision sometime back. I was out on a ledge laying out prostrate on a high place.  On my left from below there were all sorts of foul demons, dragons coming at me. All of the sudden, I looked before me and saw a supernatural, transparent cross and from on high heard amazing thunder from the heavens. And then I was filled with the awesome FEAR OF THE LORD. It flooded my being and I was in absolute AWE of HIS MAJESTY and in Esctasy. The demons fled His PRESENCE immediately. They could not behold HIM. There is NOTHING to Fear, EXCEPT YHWH. He then opened my eyes to the Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica, West Los Angeles, the Miracle Mile, Downtown Los Angeles, Glendale, Universal City. Immediately a remarkable shimmering cloud of glory was over the entire area. I then awoke, trembling and full of His awesome Presence. I will never forget the vision.

“There is much prayer being lifted along with the binding here on earth of the demons that have already been bound in heaven. I’m standing beside you.”

“EL ELYON, EL CHAY, we stand with You. You and Your desire to release the Living Waters of Your Creative Voice on the earth and as those to whom You have given authority over creation, we reject which Satan would desire to release unto the earth. We say, NO! But as we are seated with You now in heavenly places in Christ, we come into agreement here on the planet with Your desire in Him and we say, COME! COME! COME! Have Your Way. Have Your Rule.

“And we step by the Spirit into Him and lay hold of DC and the Nation and those moving in the power of darkness. We lay hold of Your Light, Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Holiness, and Love. And we wrap it around them. We invite it in and about them.  We release the vibration of the sound of Your Voice and we welcome You, Ruach Ha’Kodesh at a HOLY higher level to come and brood over that gathering and all its global participants. We release the testimony of the blood of Jesus.”

On Wednesday night there were 1304 lightning strikes on Washington, DC after the National Gatekeepers asked for a release from HIS storehouses, an open display of His displeasure that many Buddhists would be convicted of their sin and be brought to repentance.

Be not be partakers of her plagues. They drink a cup, not His cup. A cup filled with their own designs, greed, avarice, and lust for power. They do not have an ear to hear. They play to crowds saying whatever pleases them. A Golden cup.  A golden calf.

Moses descends with two stone  tablets engraved by the Finger of YHWH to offer  Torah to the people.  In his absence, they instead choose to worship a god of their own making.

15And  Mosheh  turned  and  went  down from  the  mountain,  and  in  his  hand  were the   two   tablets   of   the   Witness,   tablets written on both their sides, written on the one and on the other. 16And   the   tablets   were   the   work   of Elohim, and the writing was the writing of Elohim engraved on the tablets.

19And it came to be, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. And Mosheh’s displeasure burned, and he threw the tablets out of his hands  and  broke  them  at  the  foot  of  the mountain.

And  he  took  the  calf  which  they  had made, and burned it in the fire, and ground it into powder, and scattered it on the face of  the  water  and  made  the  children  of Yisra’el drink it.”

If you will not have communion with the LORD, you have chosen to take the cup of wrath filled with the abominations of your own choosing.

In 2003, I attended the International Buddhist Film Festival at the LA County Museum of Art.  Most of the festival had seemed to be fairly typical as far as film festivals went, except the films and cartoons were built around Buddhist themes. That was until the showing of the documentary film on the Kalachakra directed and produced by Werner Herzog. The crowd that turned out that night was seriously dark. I had arrived later than I anticipated and as I was walking towards the back of the line had occasion to pass by those who were attending that evening. Well dressed, many in black, it seemed that I had stepped into another dimension of darkness. What was it? It was as if I was experiencing, not in myself, but sensing the total absence of the Holy Spirit.  Many in the crowd had already attended the Kalachakra Ceremony in various places around the globe and were gathering to watch one of their own. I was alone.

BUT, what will it be like for them who worship Tibet’s Golden Calf and are partakers of the vile tantric cup of demons, when they stand before the THRONE of the LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH?



RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar

The Shofar

by James C. Stephens

During battle the shofar is blown to announce the approach of an enemy (Jer4:5). It is blown by a watchman to warn the populace (Isa18:3; Jeremiah 6:17). On Tuesday morning, July 12 at 11:41 AM the shofar was sounded by gatekeepers on the West Coast and from the Northern Gate.
In the course of battle it is blown to announce the approach of an enemy.

Watchman Blowing the Shofar to Warn the Populace

Everyone that has seen the posts has been warned. Read Ezekiel 33. When a watchman sees an enemy approaching, he is constrained to sound the alarm. If he doesn’t, the blood will be on his hands.  We have sounded the warning.  On Wednesday, July 13 the demonic empowerment rituals based on ancient occultic ceremonies called the Kalachakra Tantra begin  in Washington DC at the Verizon center led by the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet. What everyone does with the information we’ve posted or doesn’t do they will be judged accordingly by YHWH. Remembering it is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of the Living YHWH. Frans Bakker said, “Nothing is more terrible than love turned to wrath.”
Yesterday, I was reading about the tragedy of Troy.
When the Trojan Horse was rolled up to her gates by her enemies, the prophetess Cassandra and the prophet Laocoon warned the king not to let it in as it was full of soldiers, “Burn it!”
Tragically, their leaders dismissed the prophetic warnings,  believing it was a “peace offering” to their gods. Our history books inform us that the great fortress of Troy was never the same.  They even went so far as to take down their main gate to make room for the “peace offering.”  They opened the gates. There were watchman, gatekeepers, and whistleblowers.  Were they listened to?  Tragically, no.
I recall speaking with Gideon, a Christian student leader in Hong Kong in 1995 shortly before the Hong Kong Handover and asked him if he feared increased persecution of his Christian faith. His answer was surprising and yet has instructed me over time as an American. He said, “No. I don’t fear persecution. It is a sign of a healthy church. What I fear more is materialism and its effect on the life of the Body of Christ.”  Greed and pride have an awful pricetag and have exacted heavy tolls on many civilizations and passing empires.


For a society to survive, hard calls need to be made and warnings are made to be heeded.  You may be thinking,  “Are you talking to me? I’m not in any position to change things. Why should I listen?”
John Owen warned, “It is a dangerous thing to live in the times of declining churches when they are hastening unto their fatal period in judgments.” We are all vulnerable to the leaven of apostasy. It is tragic as well that the Historic Synagogue in Washington, DC joined together in hosting world reknown teachers on the Kalachakra Tantra ritual being conducted in Washington, DC by the Dalai Lama. Where are the Torah observant Jews? Where is the outcry from Evangelical and Jewish leaders who should be outraged? But, we are on vacation.  Attacks take no vacation. Constant vigilance is necessary to protect our liberties and our loved ones.
Those signs of desolating judgments in our own nation are now readily apparent to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Environmental crisis from oil spills in the Gulf and rivers of Montana, to devastating tornados in Alabama, to the flooding of the Mississippi and Missouri,  to the fires and droughts in Texas. These crisis, like the impending debt crisis will not be solved by clever manipulation of markets and budgets and raising our debt ceiling. Our problem as a nation is a spiritual one.  While not rejoicing in the tragedies that have befallen our nation for which we mourn,  I for one am grateful we are being forced by our crisis to face the music and pray that the severe chastening that is falling upon our nation will eventually lead to repentance and reformation.
Dostoyevski in Hours of the Dead wrote of his gratefulness in his severe hours of trial,
“Sometimes I went so far as to thank destiny for the privilege of such loneliness [in Siberia], for only in solitude could I have scrutinized my past so carefully, or examined so closely my interior and outward life. What strong and strange new germs of hope were born in my soul during those memorable hours! I weighed and decided all sorts of issues, I entered into a compact with myself to avoid errors of former years and the rocks on which I had been wrecked.”
So, don’t give up hope during these days of despair and shadow. There is a light that beckons, follow Me. His way is perfect, His lamp illumines the path. Take a step each day and don’t look back except to mine the lessons that are fit to shape your glorious destiny ahead. Look upon adversity as opportunity in workclothes.
And as our Master Yeshua  reminded us. My paraphrase, “Don’t be anxious for what you wear and what you eat. Just rest in My loving arms. Do whatever work you can find today. Don’t fret.  Take time out and look at the lilies of the Valley, the flowers and beauty that surround you.  Look at the birds of the air. Your Father in heaven feeds them daily. And you. Although He loves the birds very much, you are much more important to Him. He’ll take care of you. Cast your cares upon His shoulders. They are broad. He can take care of you. Don’t be anxious about tommorrow. Do you have food for today? Someone who loves you? I do. All we really have is this moment. Do what you can. When the cooling wind comes. Remember, I sent it to give you rest.
When trials come, I sent them to help you grow.  When tragedy strikes like the little boy’s senseless and brutal murder in New York, I mourn with you. I lost My Son as well. You may weep on My shoulder. I hear your cry and save your tears. I feel your grief. I see the despair. Comfort one another.  Righteousness will triumph over evil. There will be joy in the morning.
“Wait on the LORD; be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart;
wait, I say, on the LORD!”
~Psalm 27:14



Monday, June 20, 2011_by James C. Stephens

It was said of “the sons of Issachar” that “they were men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.”  I Chronicles 12:32

When I came to know the LORD Yeshua in 1984, the Scripture that weighed most heavily upon my soul was 2 Peter 3:10. “The Day of the LORD will come like a thief in which the heavens and earth will pass away with a roar and all the elements will be consumed with intense heat.”

Knowing this, what type of people are we to be? YHWH’s set apart people, holy people.  And yet, like Isaiah, I feel “woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips among a people of unclean hearts.’  Rarely today have Elizabeth and I found friends who have not suffered from divorce or infidelity or some besetting sin, even in the body of Christ.  It is a difficult day.

During my early walk with Master Yeshua, I recall being deeply distressed when I began to see all of my sin. All of a sudden my despair was replaced with great joy as I realized that I could only see it because of the abiding work of the HOLY SPIRIT in my heart. At times, I grasped realities that I would share with other believers such as, “Can you believe it! Jesus is ALIVE! I mean, REALLY. He is not in the grave! He is ruling at the right Hand of YHWH and will return!” The expressions on their faces betrayed their hearts. “Yeh, so.”  WHAT?! I mean this changes everything! He is raised from the dead! He is our KING.

I began to see back then, that the Church was lukewarm. I didn’t come from a lukewarm Buddhist sect. We were zealots. How could I be any less zealous for my Savior Yeshua Ha’Moshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

We wrote tracts that spoke of our decision to follow Jesus.  We discovered on short order, that there was a Devil, and he was YHWH’s adversary.

Our first outreach in Santa Monica involved handing out literature to thousands of my former Buddhist friends who were attending a Buddhist parade. The night before our outreach, it seemed that all the forces of hell were unleashed as our son threw up on our bed, I got sick and gang members were attempting to break into an apartment above ours. We were apartment managers at the time as well. We didn’t let it stop us, but went out and shared the Gospel. I got miraculously well while witnessing.  While some of them have come to the LORD, I have recently discovered that many of them have passed away which has grieved me. It has also intensified my resolve to return to my first love, Yeshua and do the deeds I did as a young believer.

After our conversion to Jesus Christ in 1984 which coincided with the Olympics in Los Angeles, we felt compelled to share the Gospel with our Buddhist friends. After taking “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” we discovered there was a gaping hole in the Christian Movement to reach the Buddhist world and were challenged by Ralph Winter to do something about it.  After much prayer and searching for a mission agency who worked among Buddhists we discovered there few doing any serious outreach.

 At about the same time in Pasadena, a terrible murder occurred of  Lois Haro, the daughter of Elsie and Herb Purnell who had been missionaries to Thailand and were working at the US Center for World Mission and William Carey International University. Lois, a newly married bride was abducted from the Pasadena Plaza at gunpoint, taken to the Rose Bowl, raped and shot to death. As a result of her tragic death, a cry for prayer went out in Mission Frontiers entitled, “Make Satan Pay for this one!”  It called for prayer for the establishment of an organization that would focus on reaching unreached Buddhists around the world. Prior to that the LORD Jesus had placed a burden on our heart for the establishment of a work to accomplish the same goal.

In 1996, when the Dalai Lama came to Pasadena, he was given the Key to the City by the Mayor, a sand mandala was built at Pacific Asia Museum, and the Dalai Lama spoke to 3,000 Chinese Buddhist leaders from all over the world. While it was a daunting spiritual task, we knew we were called to share the Gospel and pray against the onslaught of Tantric Buddhism in California.

While some Christians were very supportive, even financing the production of “Mankind Needs a Savior” which included the testimonies of four former Tibetan Buddhists and a Gospel message; some Pastors were resistant and suggested that it was not their responsibility to address since there are four hundred cults that come through here a year.

A small group of former Buddhists recognized our responsibility to engage in covering the city. During our interview of the Tibetan lamas that were building the sand mandala, they told us that they had to conduct prayers to prevent their own demonic possession since they were doing ritual that invited 722 deities to take possession of the territory where the sand mandala was built.

Bernie W. formerly a Buddhist from Sri Lanka taught us how to pray authoritatively over the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, the venue where the Dalai Lama was to conduct ancient rituals and give talks to the Buddhist community and at the Distinguished Speakers series to the general public.

It had not been the first time the Dalai Lama had been in the Los Angeles area. The question we wrote in a prayer letter,

“I keep asking the Lord,  “Why is the Dalai Lama coming to Pasadena? From a natural perspective, its timing may have something to do with conducting a visible media event during the Olympics for “Free Tibet.” On a supernatural level, couldn’t it be a continuation of the invisible spiritual war between God and the powers of Darkness? In light of Pasadena’s significance as a Christian center and an increased number of students who are now engaging in serious coursework preparing to do ministry among Buddhists, please pray.”

What we didn’t recognize was just how serious spiritual warfare was in this context. Years later, when I spoke to Chuck Pierce about the proliferation of Tibetan Buddhism in America and showed him the map we had done of all the sand mandalas, he said, “I dealt with Tibetan Buddhism once and will never do it again because of the intensity of the warfare and the backlash.”

After the 1996 outreach and spiritual initiative, all of our teams suffered from serious backlash. That is a very, very long and complex story. Many painful lessons were learned. But, Satan did not stop YHWH’s agenda.

I think the real question that should be asked is, “

Are we doing the work YHWH has purposed for our generation?”

I read John Owen’s “Sermon to the Nation” delivered on April 20, 1649 before the Parliament on a day set aside for extraordinary humiliation that should link our heart to the soul of the historic blood washed covenant community. We must ask ourselves, “Are we fulfilling YHWH’s burden  and purposes for our generation? Will we be ashamed to stand in the presence of our King before such an audience of faithful men and women? Will He say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”  These are questions we must ponder in our generation.

Owens exhorted the Parliament! Yes, the Parliament who set an entire day aside for humiliation! How far we’ve fallen! Grasp that fact alone. Again, Owens, “The kings of the earth have given their power to Antichrist, endeavoring to the utmost to keep the kingdom of Christ out of the world. What, I pray, hath been their main business for seven hundred years (and I’d add, their business today as well?) and upwards,–even almost ever since the man of sin was enthroned? How have they earned the titles, Eldest Son of the Church, The Catholic and Most Christian King, Defender of the Faith, and the like? Hath it not been by the blood of the saints? Art there not, in every one of these kingdoms, the slain and the banished ones of Christ to answer for? In particular,–   

Hath not the blood of the saints of Jesus (eclipsed by Antichrist and his adherents), Wickliffites and Lollards, cried from the ground for vengeance upon the English “heaven and earth” for a long season? Did not their bodies lie in the streets of France, under the names of Waldenses, Albigenses, and the poor men of Lyons? Is not Spain’s inquisition enough to ruin a world, much more a kingdom? Have not all these, and all the kingdoms round about, washed their hands and garments in the blood of thousands of Protestants? And do not the kings of all these nations as yet stand up in the room of their progenitors with the same implacable enmity to the power of the Gospel? Show me seven kings that ever yet labored sincerely to enhance the kingdom of the LORD Jesus Christ, and I dare boldly say, Octavus quis fuerit, nondum constat.”   

I witnessed martyrdom in America when I received a call to a hospital to identify the body of Wally Tope, a Christian brother  who was struck down during the LA Riots in 1992.  We live in a serious age, which calls for men of faith willing to take unpopular stands in the face of evil. Wally was well known for his in-depth counter cult apologetic research on Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses which he produced incredible tracts from that lead many into the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wally was called to preach in the hard places and had been working on a research project on Tibet at the time and had my card on his person.  That day I heard from the LORD that this was the beginning of many martyrs in America.

So where are we TODAY JUNE 20, 2011? Do we see YHWH’s Hand in turning kingdoms upside down? He has promised “His church that he will give unto it holy priests and Levites, Isa. Lxvi.20, 21, which shall serve at the great feast of tabernacles, Zech. Xiv.16.” The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord, Revelation 11:15.

Are we walking as His sons and daughters in truth and obedience?

Don Upham, a former Navy pilot who served as a Firefighter, Paramedic, Captain, and Battalion Chief with the Los County Fire Department believes that “The Ancient of Days will pass judgment in favor of the Saints…When the Saints begin to take possession of the kingdom!’ according to Daniel 7:22.

In 2003, I worked with Don while addressing “The Circle of Bliss: an art exhibit on Buddhist meditational art” at the LA County Museum of Art. Years early when I was a Buddhist, I had performed in a Buddhist brass band in the same exact place that the sand mandala was being constructed. I confessed my sin in helping lay the groundwork for these Buddhist events in my young days as a Buddhist radical.    http://www.worldviews101.com for more indepth coverage in our twelve lesson course which focuses on a Christian perspective on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism).

During the process of our work together on a series of events that were being spawned from the Dalai Lama’s visits including An International Buddhist Film Festival, Sacred Music Festival inaugurated by the Dalai Lama in Los Angeles, etc., Don and I worked through many levels of strategic spiritual warfare. He ended up being instrumental in answering the question I had about the Dalai Lama’s activities in Pasadena back in 1996.


Don recognized that we had to dig deeply to uncover the root iniquities that gave the Dalai Lama permission to conduct his ceremonies in Los Angeles. We learned the power of answered prayer when no one else seemed to want to listen or assist in the battle.   His spiritual model which is thoroughly discussed in his excellent book In Favor of the Saints.

Don openly speaks of the spiritual battle and struggles he had in understanding what the LORD wanted him to do with what he was witnessing in his own life as he grappled what it would look like to walk out the purpose of God in his generation. First of all, YHWH has an agenda and we are involved in an ongoing battle with Satan, the dispossessed god of this world. YHWH wants us to learn to walk in the authority that He’s given us. Don drew on his experiences in Latin America in the Argentina revival and his growing experience of spiritual authority as a Christian working for the LA County Fire Department. The LORD showed him how worship changed the atmosphere over an entire territory as he sang over the territory assigned to him. Fires diminished.

He worked on difficult assignments dealing with toxic chemicals as well and recognized that the nature of the toxic spiritual rituals that the Dalai Lama and his priests were designing. But understanding the meaning and strategy of the enemy was not all. God wanted a canopy of worship established over the County of Los Angeles which would require prayerful teamwork and careful hearing the LORD.

He began to see that there were multiple dimensions of warfare and in this the LORD began unveiling the sins that had opened the doors for Tibetan witchcraft.  The LORD also began revealing how institutions that had fallen had broken original covenants that were honoring Jesus Christ and the faith. Christians began uncovering these at Claremont which was a beginning.  

On one day, I participated in the raising of the Canopy over Los Angeles and with a team of about five people prayerfully asked the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Scriptures that we could write on a tall fence stake which we pounded into the ground as one of the stakes to hold up the spiritual canopy over Los Angeles. It had become the LORD’s answer to Satan wishing to strengthen his dominion over Los Angeles through the Buddhist sand mandala. Shortly afterwards, we discovered that another mandala had been made. While we were in Hacienda Heights praying, one of the prayer warriors who was a son of a Central American President who had been assassinated by a bomb and had escaped afterwards to he United States where he came to faith, came up to me and said the LORD Jesus who saved me showed me your face in a vision. And here we are. There is much work to be done. It is but a beginning.

Shortly afterwards we prayed and also prayed over an area where a Latin American woman evangelist had been martyred by Satanists and dragged behind a truck and dropped off on Hacienda Heights blvd.  An hour later we were praying in the neighborhood over a house that we felt was a nest of evil. We were invited in and the house was full of every conceivable devil mask from around the world. The four of us testified to him about the power of Jesus Christ to set him free from his sin and were allowed to pray for his salvation. It was a powerful moment. He was the radio voice of a program on spiritualism in San Francisco broadcast out of Hacienda Heights!

There is so much more on identifical repentance, the influence of Jack Parsons who worked with L.Ron Hubbard attempting to channel the Spirit of Babylon into Pasadena. The hidden meaning of the Seal of the City of Pasadena. So much material.  Order the book, it provides an excellent experiential model of what was done complete with many biblical references.

Here is the link to In Favor of the Saints website for the book which lists the Table of Contents and other information. Also has links on the website for purchase on line and another link to his publisher for purchase and download of a PDF format of the book.

http://www.infavorofthesaints.com/              http://www.infavorofthesaints.com/


(I could use gatekeepers help on prayer requests on items.  Please go to Facebook and join Facebook Worldviews101 group. We can share requests there. Thanks.

Pray about the floods and nuclear plants on the Missouri and Mississippi.

First the floods starting in Montana. Pray against the Tibetan tantric vases that have been buried in Helena, the State Capitol, in the Missouri, in Glacier National Park, Yellowstone.  Repentance.

Here’s the status of the flood from today:


“It’s all just sitting there, sitting there, sitting there. Everyone knows it’s going to come down, it’s just when and how quick that we’re all waiting for,” he said. “The bull is basically sitting in the chute and the gates are already open. He’s just not coming out to play yet, but when he does I anticipate he’s really going to be ticked off and bucking hard.”

…. http://youtu.be/G2zpkayD5k4


Federal officials have determined that Sacramento has the highest flood risk of any U.S. city outside New Orleans, with some neighborhoods under 10 to 20 feet of water after a catastrophic levee failure. Last month, state and federal officials participated in an emergency drill to prepare for just such a disaster.


The National Weather Service predicts this will be one of the top five water years in history in the Pacific Northwest, and the biggest since 1997, the last year of significant flooding, said Gina Baltrush said of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


 Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling at nuclear plant near Omaha — Operating under heightened alert level because of nearby flooding on Missouri River

June 10th, 2011 at 08:11 AM

  1. Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling at nuclear plant near Omaha — Operating under heightened alert level because of nearby flooding on Missouri River June 10, 2011                                                   
  2. JUST IN: ‘Notification of Unusual Event’ declared at nuclear plant near Omaha — “They don’t expect any radioactive material to be released” June 7, 2011                                                         
  3. Report: Radioactive release from nuke plant less than 150 miles from New Orleans               May 3, 2011Quake, not tsunami, may have caused



June 9, 6:37 p.m.

I am the President (and a Board Member) of the Chicago-based NUCLEAR ENERGY INFORMATION SERVICE (NEIS), “Illinois’ Nuclear Power Watchdog Group.” It just so happens that, living in Council Bluffs, Iowa, I went to Dana College in Blair, Nebraska (in the vicinity of the Omaha Public Power District’s Fort Calhoun nuclear plant), from 1972-1976, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree in Biology and Environmental Studies. While at Dana College, I testified at the licensing hearing for the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant—arguing against giving Ft. Calhoun an “operating license.” ( I spoke about the dangers of the ionizing radiation to be released by the plant.) The electrical fire that “knocked out” the cooling for the irradiated (spent) fuel pool there shows us that: NUCLEAR POWER IS A VERY COMPLEX, INHERENTLY DANGEROUS AND ‘DIRTY’ ENERGY TECHNOLOGY WHICH IS HIGHLY VULNERABLE TO A WIDE RANGE OF UNANTICIPATED MISHAPS!!! What we need is a “nuclear construction moratorium,” the immediate removal of ALL direct and indirect federal nuclear subsidies (including loan guarantees and the Price-Anderson Act), and a speedy phase-out of the entire commercial nuclear power industry. We need to aggressively pursue a “‘CARBON-FREE/NUCLEAR-FREE’ ENERGY PATHWAY”—the best technically and economically feasible way for us to get off of all oil without nuclear (or coal) within 30-50 years. What we are talking about is a 100-percent U.S. renewable energy economy by 2040-2050, being based upon these things: (1) Greatly Increased Energy Efficiency; (2) Combined Heat-and-Power; and (3) Appropriate Renewable Energy Technologies.

Bob Nations, Jr., the Director of Shelby County Office of Preparedness, says that since the lack of preparation exposed by Hurricane Katrina, he is “preparing for the catastrophic event” in his six-county jurisdiction.&nbsp

Nations admitted that after a major quake, Tennessee′s infrastructure and response capabilities “would get overwhelmed fairly quickly.” 

There are 15 nuclear power plants in the New Madrid fault zone — three reactors in Alabama — that are of the same or similar design as the site in Japan experiencing problems. 

The USGS report predicts that a major quake would create horrific scenes like something out of a science fiction movie, potentially cutting the Eastern part of the country off from the West in terms of vehicular traffic and road commerce. 

“The older highways and railroad bridges that cross the Mississippi River, as well as older overpasses, would likely be damaged or collapse in the event of a major New Madrid earthquake,” according to USGS. 

In September, FEMA’s associate administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, told a Senate panelthat FEMA has five regional groups planning for possible earthquake responses, but a major quake along the New Madrid fault line could displace 7.2 million people and knock out 15 bridges. The response would require 42,000 first responders from local firefighters to the Pentagon.&nbsp

Another study by the Mid-America Earthquake Center last year estimates that nearly 750,000 buildings would be damaged, 3,000 bridges would potentially collapse, 400,000 breaks and leaks to local pipelines and $300 billion in direct damage and $600 billion in indirect losses would occur. Source