URGENT Gatekeepers Alert: Immediate Need for Prayer in Israel
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Dragon Boat Races will be taking place on the Sea of Galilee which is at the intersection of three borders, Israel, Syria, and Jordan. Nearby on September 3, 1260 the invading Mongolian Empire suffered a crushing defeat from the forces of the Sultan of Egypt that stopped their westward expansion and conquest of Jerusalem less than 100 miles away. The Mongolian conquest rivaled that of Alexander and Napoleon.
Over 70 Syrians were reportedly killed at the Syrian Israeli border as the civil war in Syria is heightened by proxy troops from Iran. Intercessors on the Israeli side of the border physically smelled death over the area.
They are there to intercede against the Dragon Boat Races being held on the Sea of Galilee from May 17-18, 2012 which are being held for the first time in its history. Already officials have publicly welcomed the races and Buddhist priests have painted in the spiritual eyes of the Dragon Deity. Although it seems like a harmless tourist attraction, according to an intercessor from New York City who has been an eyewitness to the races in Flushing Meadows, it is anything but. Rather it is an act of provocation against God, as they make incantations to bring in the Dragon Deity.
The following three issues which build upon one another need immediate prayer as our team is now engaged on the ground in fierce spiritual warfare.
- Dragon Boat Race on the Sea of Galilee Israel.
- Buddhist Tantric Vases (“Peace Vases”) buried in Israel.
- Buddhist Blood Relics Displayed in Old Jerusalem.
Dragon Boat Racing is the fastest growing water sport, if not the largest in the world. Dragon Boat Races originated in China over 2,000 years ago to honor the memory of Qu Yuan, the famous Chinese statesman and poet who drowned himself in the Mi Lo River in protest of government corruption.
Dragon boat races are now occurring in an increasing number of cities around the world every year. Few believers are aware of dragon boat races in their community or know of its global popularity. Even fewer know of its spiritual significance and the dark forces promoting it.
Dragon Boat Race Concerns
Spiritually astute observers have been lead to conclude that dragon boat races are not as benign as they seem. The religious rituals to “awaken the dragon spirit” conducted during the opening ceremonies of dragon boat festivals may even have “end time” significance. The participation of leaders in these rituals ranging from government agencies, banks, corporations, and community organizations appear to be creating a global ceremonial platform which inadvertently acknowledge the Dragon from the book of Revelation.
This year, in the Chinese “Year of the Dragon,” the first Dragon Boat Race will be conducted in Israel on the southern shores of the Sea of Galilee, May 17-18. The area of the event is known as a stronghold of occult practices.
Israeli and American believers interceding in advance of the Dragon Boat Race have been reporting the “smell of death.” As the site is situated where the borders of Israel, Syria, and Jordan converge, it is believed that the Dragon, Satan may be seeking to ignite a war that would engulf all three nations.
An additional note: In 1996, the Dragon Boat Races were reinstituted at the same site where it all began in China. Stories abound of human sacrifices to the Dragon Deity in which no one was allowed to help other teams whose boat happened to capsize as their lives were an offering to the Dragon. In recent years, there have been tragic accidents in Malaysia and Singapore that have claimed the lives of over ten young men and one coach. Kate Middleton and Prince William were both on Dragon Boat teams. Presently, a large statue of the Red Dragon is being built in Wales which is taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York City’s Harbor.
Requested Intercession
- Please pray that the church becomes more aware of the dragon boat race phenomena and its spiritual significance.
- Pray that the forces of darkness associated with Dragon Boat Races are resisted globally and specifically in Israel.
- Pray against the Dragon’s strategy to unleash regional war against Israel.
- Pray protection for the intercessors from Israel, Asia, and the US who are praying on site.
- Pray that the LORD of Hosts imparts strategies that are victorious over the dragon according to Isaiah 27:1 and Revelation 12:11.
Fifteen Buddhist “Peace Vases” Planted in Israel
Submitted by an intercessor in Los Angeles.
“Watch, stand fast in the belief, be men, be strong.” 1 Cor 16:13
In 1991 , six thousand earthen vessels were constructed by Tantric Buddhist Lamas in Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon and were filled according to occult instructions with ocean water, ground precious stones, and “nectar” bound together in balls according to ancient ritual practices. In Los Angeles, tantric substances used in skull mandalas were publicly said to contain human feces, seminal fluids, Ox fluids and other defiling substances disgraceful to mention. Vases and lotus flowers in Buddhism represent the vagina, and their goddess Kannon, or Kwan Yin, the female counterpart of Avalokitsevara, the patron deity of Tibet which is said to inhabit the Dalai Lama. The express purpose of these vases which are identified by GPS coordinates, is to establish a spiritual grid across the globe to bring peace and healing to the environment bringing it under the dominion of the Adi Buddha, the universal religious emperor. However, this idolatrous practice is an act of defilement as they have been planted all around the globe including in Indonesia to establish Buddhist dominion. They have already placed them over all the designated sites in Indonesia and the USA, including all the state capitols, all the major rivers, sacred sites, Great Lakes, Washington, DC, and on major mountain peaks as their high places. You can see the map and vase locations by googling Siddhartha’s Intent Peace Vases.
In Israel, they have buried them on two points of the Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Golan Heights, Haifa, Jericho at Hishams Palace, Mt. Meron, Mt. Precipice, Nazareth, Tel Aviv Yafo, West Jerusalem.
Prayer Points:
Awaken Gatekeepers in Israel to the serious consequences of allowing modern sophisticated idolatry into Israel in the guise of tourism, “peace vases”, sand mandalas and seemingly harmless rituals of the Dragon Boat Races dedicated to the Dragon deity.
Ask YHWH to pour out a spirit of intercession over Israel. Sound the shofar and warn them not to imitate the detestable practices of the nations.” And the consequence. “New gods were chosen and then the enemy was in the gates.” Prayerfully read Isaiah 28-29.
“Do not imitate the detestable practices of the nations.” (Psalm 2)
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel (Psalm 122:6-9). Long ago, during Nehemiah’s day, there were over 172 Gatekeepers raised up from Akkab, Talmon and brothers to protect Jerusalem. “They took upon themselves a curse and an oath to walk in God’s law, which was given through Moses, God’s servant, and to keep and to observe all the commandment of God our LORD, and His ordinances and His statues” (Neh. 10:29). Pray for national repentance for all the idolatry that is being allowed into the land through the disobedience of their spiritual gatekeepers and for a new generation of gatekeepers zealous for the glory of YHWH.
Ask God for forgiveness for the defilement that has been allowed into Israel and for a cleansing of the land where these items have been placed. “Howl, you shepherds, and cry! And roll yourselves in the ashes, you leaders of the flock! For the days of your slaughter and scattering are completed, and you shall fall like a choice vessel (Jeremiah 25:34). “Yisra’el has been swallowed up. They have now become among the nations as a vessel in which is no pleasure” (Hosea 8:8). Why do you displease YHWH? “Does not the potter have authority over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for value and another not for value (Romans 9:21)?” Beseech the LORD to be merciful in His chastening.
Pray for a Psalm 91 covering over all those who are interceding on the behalf of Israel during the Dragon Boat Races and for those in the Covenant Community who are called out ones who follow the Lamb of God. “Praise Him, O servants of the LORD” (Psalm 135).
O LORD God, YHWH, God of Hosts, who is like Thee, O Mighty LORD? Who are we to approach You, for You are HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Only by the blood sacrifice of Yeshua our Messiah, who purchased us by His death on the cross. “Thy faithfulness surrounds Thee.” We confess with grief the shame of Israel and the false bride of Christ, who have allowed their defenses down so far as to even consider and now to invite the Dragon Boat races to Israel which opens the gate to the worship of false gods & for serving Mammon & not God.
“Thou dost rule the swelling of the sea” sadly, horrifically some are praying to a false god, who is not god, but a Dragon Deity who sits on the sea proudly usurping the glory that is due to no one but YOU. YOU who “when the waves rise, Thou dost still them. Thou Thyself didst crush Rahab like one who is slain.” “Was it not You who cut Rahab to pieces, who pierced the Dragon? (Is. 51:9). It is You YHWH “who stirs up the sea and its waves roar.” (Is. 51:15). The LORD of Hosts is His Name! They have forgotten their Maker. They are ignorant and willful. Chasten them unto repentance. Your Word has not changed.
Do not despise the Warnings of the LORD. While there are many participants who are simply involved in this event to raise money for noteable charities, we believe that the event itself is a poor choice as the underlying deity it honors is displeasing to the LORD as the Dragon as perceived by Holy Scripture is considered to be equivalent to Satan and in a Holy War against YHWH, the Torah and all that Christians and Jews stand for.
To the Israeli’s “Did not your fathers do the same so that our God brought on us and on this city, all this trouble? Yet you are adding to the wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath” (Nehemiah 13:18). By going against the commandments of the LORD GOD of Israel. Do not make a covenant with death. Follow Yeshua Ha’Moshiach who resisted the temptations of Satan in the desert who had promised all the kingdoms of the world if Yeshua would only bow down and worship him. Resist the Devil and he will flee. All the earth is YHWH’s and all it contains, not Satan’s. He is a dispossessed deity.
“And I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old who is the devil.” Revelation 20
Pray for strength for those who repel the onslaught at the gate” (Isaiah 28:6) and for the protection of the remnant of His people for whom YHWH is a glorious diadem.
Heart Shrine Relic Tour Hosted in the Old Jerusalem Quarter January 2012
In January 2012, the Old Jerusalem quarter was host to a collection of Buddhist relics collected over the last 2500 years which were displayed and worshipped by visitors. It has been touring the globe to raise funds for the construction of a 500’statue of the Maitreya Buddha in India housing over 2,000,000 idols. The exhibit in Jerusalem was specially renamed“Pearls of Compassion” although around the world it has been called “Heart Shrine Relic Tour.” These supposed “pearls” are remains sifted out of the ash left behind after the cremation of Buddhist monks which form mineral deposits which they consider holy. As Christians we are not to worship any relics, but are to worship the LORD GOD and Him alone. In a video of the ceremony in Old Jerusalem, they are held to the heads of participant’s and those who are arranging the relics to receive the deceased energy. It is forbidden by Holy Scripture to touch these defiled objects or to worship them. “You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 26:1).
Pray that the eyes of the priests in Jerusalem and others hosting these objects be opened to the liberating truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only Messiah that can save us from our sin. “For they are a nation lacking in counsel, and there is no understanding in them. Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would discern their future” (Deuteronomy 32:28-29).
Pray against the influence of this defilement. “Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. For the land had become defiled, therefore I have visited its punishment upon it, so that the land has spewed out its inhabitants.” (Leviticus 18:24,25; Deuteronomy Chapter 28).
“Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the LORD your God.” (Lev. 19:4). “I then will destroy your high places, and cut down your incense altars, and heap your remains on the remains of your idols; for My soul shall abhor you” (Leviticus 26:30).
Pray that Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, New Agers and Moslems repent for their idolatry as representatives from all these groups have attended these ceremonies. “All that is hidden shall be revealed.” (Deuteronomy 32:15-22).
Repentance from spiritism: “As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people. You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 20:6-7).