WV101 Featured Pages:
Dalai Lama & Kalachakra A Wake Up Call for the West (Mandarin and English Interview)
Dalai Lama and 9/11 and Beyond (Note: Since my Mandarin is only rudimentary, please let me know if… [more]

Two Faces of a Tibetan Idol in America
An Icon of Light with a Shady Side by Tilman Müller and Janis Vougioukas English Translation of an… [more]

European Press Critically Exams the Dalai Lama and Kalachakra Rituals While the American Press Naps in Washington, D.C.
Comments on a Press Release Monday, July 11, 2011 I just ran across a press release that gives some… [more]

DAY 40 “What if you only have one life?
Open Shame Monday, July 18, 2011 by James C. Stephens "Let now the astrologers, those who prophesy… [more]

The Foolish Man Who Built His House on the Sand
"But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with YHWH, one day is as a thousand… [more]

RED ALERT WDC ~ The Fear of the LORD
The Fear of the LORD by James Stephens Friday, July 15, 2011 A nation drinks a cup it has filled… [more]

RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar
The Shofar by James C. Stephens During battle the shofar is blown to announce the approach of an… [more]

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Halloween Spoiler Alert
Halloween Spoiler Alert October 25, 2019 by James Stephens Friends have said that witches are praying tonite against President Trump at … [Read More...]

Breaking the Code of Silence
The following is a brief history of organizational conflict which has transpired over the … [Read More...]
Chart Comparing Buddhist & Christian Ethics
Here's a chart comparing Buddhist and Christian Ethics that I constructed while working on my Master's at Fuller School of Intercultural … [Read More...]
How to Share Christ with Buddhists
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