February 11, 2025

WV101 Featured Pages:

Dalai Lama & Kalachakra A Wake Up Call for the West (Mandarin and English Interview)

Dalai Lama and 9/11 and Beyond (Note: Since my Mandarin is only rudimentary, please let me know if… [more]

Dalai Lama & Kalachakra A Wake Up Call for the West (Mandarin and English Interview) Dalai Lama & Kalachakra A Wake Up Call for the West (Mandarin and English Interview)

Two Faces of a Tibetan Idol in America

An Icon of Light with a Shady Side by Tilman Müller and Janis Vougioukas English Translation of an… [more]

Two Faces of a Tibetan Idol in America Two Faces of a Tibetan Idol in America

European Press Critically Exams the Dalai Lama and Kalachakra Rituals While the American Press Naps in Washington, D.C.

Comments on a Press Release Monday, July 11, 2011 I just ran across a press release that gives some… [more]

European Press Critically Exams the Dalai Lama and Kalachakra Rituals While the American Press Naps in Washington, D.C. European Press Critically Exams the Dalai Lama and Kalachakra Rituals While the American Press Naps in Washington, D.C.

DAY 40 “What if you only have one life?

Open Shame Monday, July 18, 2011 by James C. Stephens "Let now the astrologers, those who prophesy… [more]

DAY 40  “What if you only have one life? DAY 40  “What if you only have one life?

The Foolish Man Who Built His House on the Sand

"But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with YHWH, one day is as a thousand… [more]

The Foolish Man Who Built His House on the Sand The Foolish Man Who Built His House on the Sand

RED ALERT WDC ~ The Fear of the LORD

The Fear of the LORD by James Stephens Friday, July 15, 2011 A nation drinks a cup it has filled… [more]

RED ALERT WDC ~ The Fear of the LORD RED ALERT WDC ~ The Fear of the LORD

RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar

The Shofar by James C. Stephens During battle the shofar is blown to announce the approach of an… [more]

RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar

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Halloween Spoiler Alert

  Halloween Spoiler Alert October 25, 2019 by James Stephens Friends have said that witches are praying tonite against President Trump at … [Read More...]

Breaking the Code of Silence

          The following is a brief  history of organizational conflict which has transpired over the … [Read More...]

Chart Comparing Buddhist & Christian Ethics

Here's a chart comparing Buddhist and Christian Ethics that I constructed while working on my Master's at Fuller School of Intercultural … [Read More...]

How to Share Christ with Buddhists

How_to_Share_Christ_with_Buddhists … [Read More...]