January 24, 2025


WorldViews 101 FAQ

1 . How do I sign up?

You can start by clicking HERE. This link will take you right to the sign up page where
you can become a member. The system will lead you through the process. If you have any
questions, please email Admissions at: Admin@WorldViews101.com

2 . Can’t I get this content for free on the Internet?

Our content experts and researchers have spent thousands of hours in
their respective fields and work with top level executives from Senators
to educators, ecclesiastical leaders to CEO’s in the corporate world. Our
briefings take into account the value of your limited discretionary time and
need for top tier information to assist you with timely and accurate information.

3 . What’s different about WorldViews 101?

Our course utilizes a variety of media tools which allow us to integrate text,
photos, audio, and video segments into our presentations as well as various other
interactive elements from pdf’s, charts, maps, and mp3 files. WorldViews101 can
be accessed 24/7 and is designed to fit into your schedule.

4 . Can I take the same kind of course at school?

You would need to consult with your academic advisor to see if you can take
WorldViews 101 as an element of an existing course or as an independent
study. WorldViews101 is designed for busy executives and life long learners
who need information on the run without going through time consuming
commutes, registration processes, and class meetings. In the future, we plan
on offering a field component.

Please have your Academic Advisor contact us at

5 . Can we take this course as a group?

The sign up process is for one member. If you are interested in taking this as a
group please contact Admissions at Admin@WorldViews101.com for group
rates or contract/license fees.

6 . If there is a field of study that is not being addressed, may I request a course
of study?

Yes, please contact the Course Instruction Coordinator at

7 . I am an instructor and I teach on a subject that would be on similar
worldview materials. Could I speak to someone about my course being
offered? What would the arrangements be?

We are very interested in adding new courses and would be happy to speak with
you about these possibilities.

Please contact us at: Admin@WorldViews101.com Attn:Course Development

8 . If I have another concern how can I speak to someone?

If your question is not addressed in this section, please email us at:
Admin@WorldViews101.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

See you in eClass!

WorldViews101 Admissions