Dalai Lama and 9/11 and Beyond
(Note: Since my Mandarin is only rudimentary, please let me know if this “anonymous translation” is accurate and not utilizing our interview for other purposes. I am somewhat cautious. Thank you. James Stephens).
4 December 2008
The following is core text of an interview with Victor and Victoria Trimondi (Germany) by James C. Stephens on September 11, 2003 and its Chinese translation. The article was credited to James C. Stephens and the Chinese translation shall be credited to an anonymous individual. The interview highlights the importance of distinguishing Tibetan Lamaism from the genuine Buddhism.
We first met the XIV Dalai Lama in the eighties and became friends while publishing his writings in our publishing house, Trikont-Dianus-Verlag. While organizing international conferences with him and other famous speakers on interreligious and intercultural topics and specifically securing governmental level invitations to Germany and Austria for him, we began to seriously explore Tibetan Buddhism. However, after many years of extensive study and reflection, we seriously questioned some of the fundamental tenets of the “Tantric Buddhism” (which is in fact Tibetan Lamaism that is not recoganized by majority followers of the true Buddhism in the world – multipletext.com) the Dalai Lama professed and eventually became one of his sharpest critics.
Frankly speaking, the Dalai Lama has two faces. He makes his official contact with the West under the maxim of Mahayana Buddhism and then deftly assimilates the highest values and ideals of western culture. Through diplomatic tolerance he wins Agnostics as well as the hearts of unsuspecting Jews and Christians, to whom he preaches in the tongue of “a man of peace” and as a human rights activist relates passages of “compassion, love, and non-violence” from the “Sermon on the Mount.” Nearly all of the speeches the Dalai Lama delivers in public are extremely tolerant, human and compassionate. You can only agree. And yet, there is another face that peeks out from behind the mask of goodness, charity and kindness, which gives one pause to think more deeply about the shadow of this ‘man of peace.”
坦白的讲,达赖喇嘛有两张面孔。他以大乘佛教的名义与西方接触,然后有技巧的吸收西方文化的价值和理想。通过富于外交性的容忍态度,他赢得了不可知论者和毫无戒心的犹太人及基督徒的心。对这些人,他以和平主义者和人权运动家的腔调布道,谈及“山中布道”中关于 “同情,爱,和非暴力”的段子。几乎所有达赖喇嘛在公共场合发布的演讲都非常的宽容,有人情味,富于同情心。你只能同意。但是,在这张正义,慈善和友善的面具下,却有另一张面孔。这张面孔使人停下来深入的思考这个“和平主义者”的阴影。
The XIV Dalai Lama, the God-King of Tibet is the highest representative of Tantric “Buddhism” [this representative is in fact not recognized by other branches of Tibetan Lamaism – multipletext.com], established in Tibet in the 8th century, A.D. Tantrism, the last stage in the history of Buddhism (since the 5th century A.D. in India) is based on ritual and magic formulas. Not unlike other religions it also has “skeletons in its’ closet” which it carefully conceals as a guest in the Western world. Tibetan Tantrism is a belief in spirits and demons, secret sexual practices, occultism, mind control, and an obsession with power. In contrary to every democratic custom, the present Dalai Lama consults with the Nechung Oracle, a monk who is possessed by a Mongolian war God, on all important state decisions.
十四世达赖喇嘛是喇嘛教的神王。喇嘛教建于公元8世纪, 是基于仪式和魔法公式的。和其他宗教没有不同,它也有“壁橱里的骷髅”。但是它在西方作客时仔细地把这一点给掩盖了起来。喇嘛教是一种对灵异魔鬼,秘密性交、神秘主义、精神控制和权力崇拜的信仰。与每一个民主团体的习惯相反,现在的达赖喇嘛在所有重要的国家决策上都求助鬼神谕,一个被蒙古战神附体的僧侣。
What primarily concerns us about the interreligious ceremony in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. is the level of naivety in the West. For the past 25 years, the Dalai Lama has quietly performed the Kalachakra Tantra (“The Wheel of Time”), the highest of all ancient Tantric initiations for tens of thousands of spiritual novices in the West; introducing Tantric ideology, secret sexual practices, and magic rituals integrated into the context of his religious-political worldview. Critical voices have been raised, while he continues to secretly transmit the Kalachakra’s prophetic vision of the establishment of a universal Buddhocracy (Shambhala) in which spiritual and worldly power are united in one person, the “world emperor”(Chakravartin), wherein other religions will no longer exist.
Who are these “non-Buddhist” (non-Lamaist) enemies spoken of in the Kalachakra Teachings? I’ve seen articles in the Buddhist magazines the Shambhala Sun and Tricycle about Lamas dressing up in military uniforms. I thought Buddhism was a peaceful faith.
The secret text of the Kalachakra explicitly names the “leaders” of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as the opponents of Buddhism: “Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mani, Muhammad and the Mahdi” describing them as “the family of the demonic snakes” (Shri Kalachakra I. 154).
Over the last five years in the German speaking countries, these shadow-aspects of Lamaism have lead to a vast, steady and increasing stream of criticism in the media. During the Kalachakra-Initiation of the Dalai Lama last year in Austria there were very controversial debates on TV and Radio Stations and Press Media. The internationally well known newspaper “Der Standard” published an article entitled “A Warrior Ritual with the Dalai Lama: The Kalachakra”. The German Weekly of Christian intellectuals “Der Rheinische Merkur” entitled an article: “What is hidden behind the Kalachakra Tantra? Supremely Ferocious Warriors!”
As in the Islamic martyr-ideology Shambhala-Warriors, who will be killed in the last battle have earned passage into the “Buddhist” (Lamaism) paradise.
The military scenarios in some “Buddhist” Centers such as the Shambhala training camps of the deceased Lama Chögyum Trungpa, have until now only a symbolic meaning, and yet they are interpreted as a spiritual preparation of the prophesized great Shambhala War. In the imagination of some Lamas all participants in a Kalachakra initiation have the questionable privilege of being reborn as “Shambhala Warriors” in order to be able to participate in the coming apocalyptic battle either as infantry or officers, dependant on rank. High lamas of particular lineages have already been assigned to commanding positions in the future.
Of late, the scandal of sexual abuse among Catholics and other Christian clergy has hit the news. I recall that a number of years ago, we spoke to members of Dharmadhatu in West Hollywood who openly mentioned that their founder Osel Tenzin had knowingly infected many of their members with the aids virus and that nine lamas had died in Boulder, Colorado. We were humbled by their vulnerability on the subject. They obviously felt terribly violated. Another Christian woman we met in Seattle who was formerly a sexual consort to a local Tibetan lama was so severely wounded by her experience that she would not even speak of it in detail.
最近,新闻报道了在天主教和基督教的神职人员中发生的性虐待丑闻。我记得许多年以前,我们曾和位于西好莱坞的大麻哈土的成员谈过话。他们公开提到他们的创建者曾故意用艾滋病毒去感染大麻哈土的很多成员,他们还提到九个喇嘛在科罗拉多首府死去。我们为他们在此事上的脆弱无助感到震惊。很明显地,他们感到被严重的侵害了。我们还曾在西雅图遇见过另一个基督妇女。她一度是一个当地的西藏喇嘛的性伴侣。她受的伤害是如此的深, 以至于她从不肯详细提起这些经历。
Here in Europe, one of the most well known and discussed cases involved the Scottish Buddhist June Campbell and the attempt of her teacher, the most honorable eighty year old Lama Kalu Rinpoche, to misuse her sexually. The 10. February 1999 headline of the British newspaper The Independent read: “I was a Tantric sex slave.”
在欧洲这里,最广为人知并被广泛讨论的案例中包括苏格兰喇嘛教徒琼.坎贝尔。她的老师卡鲁仁波切,一位受人尊敬的八十岁的老喇嘛, 曾对她有过性侵犯。英国报纸独立报曾在1999年2月10日刊登头条:“我是一个喇嘛性奴隶。”
Campbell shows also in her confessional book Traveller in Space that the sexual misuse of women is not only a blameable attitude but that it is a central part of the Lamaist Tantric religion. The sexual magic practice exercised by a Lama with a woman has the specific goal to transmit the erotic and female energy into the spiritual and worldly power of the male partner. Such sexual rituals are the core of Tibetan Buddhism. Also in the secret higher initiations of the Kalachakra Tantra sexual magical rites take place. The ritual texts can be interpreted symbolically or real (!). Both are possible. The originals say that eleven-year-old girls may be used as sexual partners.
坎贝尔在她自己自白性的书《空间的旅行者》中提到,一个喇嘛对女性的性行为有着一个明确的目标:把女性的性能量传入男性伙伴的灵与肉中。这些性仪式是藏传佛教的核心。在时轮大法的更高级的灌顶仪式中,也可以看到带有魔法意味的性仪式。这些仪式的书面描述可以做象征性的解释,也可以做字面上的解释, 两种都行。原文说11岁的女孩子可以用来作为性伴侣。
It’s really shocking, in the “SS-Ahnenerbe“, which was the academic brain trust of the SS, that its’ Chief Heinrich Himmler, was openly engaged in ongoing discussions with the most distinguished German Orientalists of his time in the construction of a new Indo-Arian Nazi-Religion. After WW II this discussion was continued by prominent neo-fascist ideologues.
I recall attending the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in 1996 when the Dalai Lama was awarded “The Simon Wiesenthal Peace Prize” and the director equated him with “Aaron, our man of peace.” What should the Jewish community be concerned about in light of your research on his connections with Nazism?
It is a fact that the Shambhala War Ideology of the Kalachakra-Tantra has led to aggressive behaviour, megalomaniacal visions and conspiracy theories both in the history of the Asia as well as in that of religious fascism and neo-fascism. Already in the SS-Ahnenerbe, where Heinrich Himmler’s Nazi-Religion was born, there was an interest in the contents of the Kalachakra-Tantra. The influential fascist and cultural philosopher Julius Evola saw in the mythic world of Shambhala an esoteric centre of a sacred warrior race. This vision is today still firmly anchored in the religious ideas of the international far-right movement. That alone makes it necessary for the Dalai Lama to distance himself clearly from the war-mongering Shambhala Myth.
Instead of this he has cultivated friendly contacts with people such as the ex-SS men Bruno Beger (convicted as helping to murder more than 86 Jews) and Heinrich Harrer, author of Seven Years in Tibet (a chronicle of his experience with the Dalai Lama over seven years prior to his exile to India). The Homepage of the Government of Tibet in Exile (www.tibet.com/Status/statement.html) shows the XIV Dalai Lama between Bruno Beger on his right and Heinrich Harrer on his left. Beger has been a member of the famous SS-Tibet Expedition organized by the SS in 1938/1939 whose primary goal was to find traces of an ancient, lost indo-Arian religion in the Himalayas. Some occult leaders in the SS were convinced that Tibetan Lamas are the key holders of these Indo-Arian Mysteries. Beger is highly respected by the Government of Tibet in Exile as a chief witness for the political independence of the country in the 30‘s and 40‘s of the last century.
Nearly unknown until now are the contacts of the Dalai Lama with the French SS-collaborator, convinced anti-Semite, recognised Orientalist and Kalachakra Tantra Expert Jean Marquès-Rivière (in his absence convicted and given the death sentence for turning Jews over to the Gestapo in France). The founder of an esoteric Hitler movement the ex-Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano (promoter of an extremely racist SS-mysticism, which is based on Tantric practices and on the idea of the Shambhala Warriors) met the Dalai Lama four times.
Well known became his relationship with the Japanese terrorist, Shoko Asahara, whom he described, even after the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, as his “friend, albeit an imperfect one”. Only later he did distance himself from the Guru. Asahara’s Doomsday Philosophy was mainly influenced by the Shambhala Ideology and by Tibetan Tantrism.
Hollywood films are the most powerful vectors of fantasy ever known to humankind. So the extensive and well known connection of the Dalai Lama with the film world and with famous actors and actresses is certainly an effective propaganda instrument. Since the nineties, Tibet, the Tibetan God King and Tibetan “Buddhism” have been glorified by the most prominent film-directors, neglecting even a minimum of critique of Tibet’s feudalistic and bloody past controlled by a despotic monk (lama) aristocracy with absolute power.
Bernardo Bertolucci’s “Little Buddha” or Martin Scorsese’s “Kundun” are constructions of a virtual Tibet, which never did exist. Even the ancient anti-Nazi tradition of the American film-fabric was broken, when Jean Jacques Annaud brought out “Seven years in Tibet”. This film with Brad Pitt is a mystification and hero worship of the former SS-man Heinrich Harrer who in the forties became the teacher of the young Dalai Lama. In his book Virtual Tibet (2000) Orville Schell details the “incredible” story of one of the most effective delusions in the film world: The Tibet Fantasies of Hollywood. Some other purpose than an art display? Why should we be concerned?
本拿多·本托虏西的“小活佛“或者麻钉·死搞嬉嬉的“困顿“构造了一个虚幻的西藏,这个西藏从来都没有存在过。甚至美国电影里一直存在的反纳粹的传统也在鸡·即刻死·按诺得推出“西藏七年“的时候被打破了。这部由不拉德·痞特主演的电影是对前党卫军海因里希·哈尔的神化和英雄崇拜。哈尔在四十年代成为年青的达赖喇嘛的老师。 厄非尔·谢尔在他的《虚拟西藏》(2000)一书中详细描述了电影世界所制造的最有效的幻觉:好莱坞的西藏神话。
The following is core text of an interview with Victor and Victoria Trimondi (Germany) by James C. Stephen on September 11, 2003 and its Chinese translation. The article was credited to James C. Stephens and the Chinese translation shall be credited to an anonymous individual. The interview highlights the importance of distinguishing Tibatan Lamaism from the genuine Buddhism.
I remember running into Richard Gere at the Wiesenthal Museum Peace Prize presentation and discovered that his Foundation has financed the building of over 300 sand Mandalas throughout the continental US. What exactly is a sand Mandala? Do these Monk’s Mandala tours have some other purpose than an art display? Why should we be concerned?
A Mandala is a sacred pictogram; one also can call it a “magic circle”. It is an instrument to evoke the gods, goddesses and demons of the Tantric pantheon. For a modern Western approach, in which religion and arts are not yet unified, the Mandala is a work of art. However, in the Lamaist tradition where there is no difference between the aesthetic and the sacred and where art is always sacred art, the Mandala is a spiritual power vortex, an assembly point of gods and demons, a palace of the divine, a spiritual battery from where powerful energies are radiating. It is also connected with the Lamaist idea that the place, where the Mandala is erected, stands under the absolute control of its divine or, we would say, demonic “inhabitants”.
曼荼罗是一“种神圣“的图案;我们也可以把它叫做“魔力圆圈“, 被用来召唤密宗万神殿的神灵和魔鬼们。由于从现代西方的视角来看,宗教和艺术并非是一个统一体,所以曼荼罗被视为一种艺术品。但是在喇嘛教的传统里,审美与神圣并没有区别,曼荼罗被看作是一种灵塔,是神灵与魔鬼的汇聚点,是一种神殿,就象是一种精神电池,从其中可以发出强大的能量,曼荼罗建立之地被认为处于圣灵的绝对控制之下,或者说,在魔鬼的绝对控制之下。
The intricate Mandala, constructed during the Kalachakra Ceremony, is made with coloured sand and symbolizes the whole universe. At the end of the ritualistic performance the sand construction will be destroyed by the Tibetan monks. The so called “dismantling” of the sand Mandala symbolizes the destruction of the world and of the universe. This is part of the apocalyptic Doomsday Scenarios in the Kalachakra prophecies which culminate in a final battle and the End of our planet. Nevertheless the construction and destruction of the Mandala is presented by the Dalai Lama as a contribution to world peace.
在时轮仪式中,繁复的曼荼罗是用彩色的沙建造的,象征着整个宇宙。在仪式结束时,沙曼荼罗会被西藏喇嘛们摧毁, 象征着整个世界和宇宙的毁灭 – 这是时轮预言中关于末日理论的一部分,这一末日理论预言了一场最终之战和星球的毁灭。然而,曼荼罗的建造和毁灭却被达赖喇嘛包装成对世界和平的贡献。
Although one would desire to believe in its peace producing energy, realistically one has to accept, that the construction of this magic circle after more than 25 years in the West has brought no more appeasement to the people than it did in Tibet which has suffered much. The aggressive and terrorist energies have become more and stronger in our world and the clash of religions has become an everyday-problem in politics. Is it not evident that the construction of 300 sand Mandalas throughout the U.S. you are speaking of has not contributed peace to this country? History on the contrary has proceeded in the opposite direction and is on the way of destruction and war.
In our studies it was alarming to find that following the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 a Wheel of Time (Kalachakra) Sand Mandala was built in the lobby of Tower One. For over thirty days, many of the World Trade Center workers and visitors were invited by the Tibetan Monks to participate in the construction of this Mandala. When the Dalai Lama visits New York in the next days, we would ask: Why the terrible event of 9/11 could happen at the World Trade Center that was consecrated by the so called “Circle of Peace,” the Kalachakra Sand Mandala, the same mandalas that were unable to prevent the destruction of 7500 monasteries of Tibet? In this context a sentence of the Tantra expert and Indian scholar Shashi Bhusan Dasgupta may be remarkable: “The word Kala means time, death and destruction. Kala-Chakra is the Wheel of Destruction.”
We just did find in the Internet a statement of a participant of the WTC Kalachakra Ceremony, which seems really revealing especially because it is made by an initiand of the Tantra: “The topic shifted to the Kalachakra Mandala that was made at One World Trade Center. I was at the dissolution ceremony there, may be around ’96. The monks gathered up all the sand from the Mandala at 1WTC, put it in a vase, then carried it across the bridge into World Financial Center through the Winter Garden, then dumped the sand ceremoniously into the Hudson River for the sake of World Peace. The surface of the river glittered with the afternoon sun, and I cried. 5 years later, the whole building is gone, just like the sand Mandala.”
我们在互联网上找到了一个当年世贸大楼的时轮大法仪式的参加者的话,这些话看起来意味深长, 暗藏天机:“话题转换到一号楼的时轮曼荼罗上。我当时也在降解仪式上,时间大概是96年。喇嘛们把所有的来自一号楼曼荼罗的沙都搜集起来,放入一个瓶子里面,然后把瓶子通过冬园带过通向世界金融中心的桥,然后郑重其事地把沙倾入哈德迅大河之中,祈求世界和平。当时河面上闪烁着午后阳光,令我感动流泪。五年以后,整座大楼都消失了,就象沙曼荼罗一样。”
From your experience in the Kalachakra Debate in Europe and your observation of mass media’s romantic portrayal of Tibet, what are the potential dangers to other faiths, including Buddhism and democracy of this growing Shambhala myth?
The danger lies in that the Kalachakra Tantra ritual subtlety builds an ideological foundation for a future “war of religions.” If the problematic contents of this archaic belief are not openly discussed, they may present a dangerous ideological challenge to the positive legacy of Western Civilization and Democratic institutions. There is also no doubt that the Kalachakra ideology proposing the establishment of “Buddhocratic” rule, a universal Emperor (Chakravartin) , violence, the licence to kill and the waging of a “Buddhist” holy war are in direct opposition to the original peaceful teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha. Concerning this discrepancy between the aggressive contents of the Kalachakra Tantra and the original peaceful Dharma, taught by the historic Buddha, we have formulated Eight Questions to the Dalai Lama.
Serious talks of the Dalai Lama’s return to China before the Olympics are beginning to leak into the media. How will this impact the future of the West?
We are really uneasy, if you ask us, as to what may potentially happen if this “Buddhist”-Jihad-Ideology” of the Kalachakra Tantra will become a new vision of the Chinese political self-understanding. Will the much more peaceful and softer philosophy of Daoism and Confucianism be replaced by the “Shambhala Warrior Doctrine”, which was once propagated in thirties by the Japanese Shinto-Fascists to mobilize the Mongolian minorities of Manchuria and West China? If the present situation in Europe is any indicator, we must say that we are alarmed as we witness the rising interest in Germany of Fascist, Neo-fascist and Nazi-intellectuals and in Asia of a terrorist like the Japanese Doomsday Guru Shoko Asahara in the ideological concepts of the Shambhala War of the Kalachakra Tantra. This should be a Menetekel, that the “writing is on the wall” as a major wake-up call for the West.
我们感到很不安。如果这种“喇嘛教–圣战”的意识形态成为中国政治新理念的话, 平和理性的道家和儒家学说是否会被这种 “香巴拉武士教条” 所取代呢?在三十年代,日本神道–法西斯分子曾利用东密来动员满族和蒙古族少数民族参与分裂中国的战争。当我们目睹德国法西斯分子,新法西斯分子,纳粹知识分子以及亚洲的恐怖分子(如日本的麻原彰晃)对时轮大法的香巴拉战争的兴趣日益增长时,我们不得不因此而充满戒心, 并向西方敲响警钟。
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