July 27, 2024

RED ALERT The Blowing of the Shofar

The Shofar

by James C. Stephens

During battle the shofar is blown to announce the approach of an enemy (Jer4:5). It is blown by a watchman to warn the populace (Isa18:3; Jeremiah 6:17). On Tuesday morning, July 12 at 11:41 AM the shofar was sounded by gatekeepers on the West Coast and from the Northern Gate.
In the course of battle it is blown to announce the approach of an enemy.

Watchman Blowing the Shofar to Warn the Populace

Everyone that has seen the posts has been warned. Read Ezekiel 33. When a watchman sees an enemy approaching, he is constrained to sound the alarm. If he doesn’t, the blood will be on his hands.  We have sounded the warning.  On Wednesday, July 13 the demonic empowerment rituals based on ancient occultic ceremonies called the Kalachakra Tantra begin  in Washington DC at the Verizon center led by the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet. What everyone does with the information we’ve posted or doesn’t do they will be judged accordingly by YHWH. Remembering it is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of the Living YHWH. Frans Bakker said, “Nothing is more terrible than love turned to wrath.”
Yesterday, I was reading about the tragedy of Troy.
When the Trojan Horse was rolled up to her gates by her enemies, the prophetess Cassandra and the prophet Laocoon warned the king not to let it in as it was full of soldiers, “Burn it!”
Tragically, their leaders dismissed the prophetic warnings,  believing it was a “peace offering” to their gods. Our history books inform us that the great fortress of Troy was never the same.  They even went so far as to take down their main gate to make room for the “peace offering.”  They opened the gates. There were watchman, gatekeepers, and whistleblowers.  Were they listened to?  Tragically, no.
I recall speaking with Gideon, a Christian student leader in Hong Kong in 1995 shortly before the Hong Kong Handover and asked him if he feared increased persecution of his Christian faith. His answer was surprising and yet has instructed me over time as an American. He said, “No. I don’t fear persecution. It is a sign of a healthy church. What I fear more is materialism and its effect on the life of the Body of Christ.”  Greed and pride have an awful pricetag and have exacted heavy tolls on many civilizations and passing empires.


For a society to survive, hard calls need to be made and warnings are made to be heeded.  You may be thinking,  “Are you talking to me? I’m not in any position to change things. Why should I listen?”
John Owen warned, “It is a dangerous thing to live in the times of declining churches when they are hastening unto their fatal period in judgments.” We are all vulnerable to the leaven of apostasy. It is tragic as well that the Historic Synagogue in Washington, DC joined together in hosting world reknown teachers on the Kalachakra Tantra ritual being conducted in Washington, DC by the Dalai Lama. Where are the Torah observant Jews? Where is the outcry from Evangelical and Jewish leaders who should be outraged? But, we are on vacation.  Attacks take no vacation. Constant vigilance is necessary to protect our liberties and our loved ones.
Those signs of desolating judgments in our own nation are now readily apparent to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Environmental crisis from oil spills in the Gulf and rivers of Montana, to devastating tornados in Alabama, to the flooding of the Mississippi and Missouri,  to the fires and droughts in Texas. These crisis, like the impending debt crisis will not be solved by clever manipulation of markets and budgets and raising our debt ceiling. Our problem as a nation is a spiritual one.  While not rejoicing in the tragedies that have befallen our nation for which we mourn,  I for one am grateful we are being forced by our crisis to face the music and pray that the severe chastening that is falling upon our nation will eventually lead to repentance and reformation.
Dostoyevski in Hours of the Dead wrote of his gratefulness in his severe hours of trial,
“Sometimes I went so far as to thank destiny for the privilege of such loneliness [in Siberia], for only in solitude could I have scrutinized my past so carefully, or examined so closely my interior and outward life. What strong and strange new germs of hope were born in my soul during those memorable hours! I weighed and decided all sorts of issues, I entered into a compact with myself to avoid errors of former years and the rocks on which I had been wrecked.”
So, don’t give up hope during these days of despair and shadow. There is a light that beckons, follow Me. His way is perfect, His lamp illumines the path. Take a step each day and don’t look back except to mine the lessons that are fit to shape your glorious destiny ahead. Look upon adversity as opportunity in workclothes.
And as our Master Yeshua  reminded us. My paraphrase, “Don’t be anxious for what you wear and what you eat. Just rest in My loving arms. Do whatever work you can find today. Don’t fret.  Take time out and look at the lilies of the Valley, the flowers and beauty that surround you.  Look at the birds of the air. Your Father in heaven feeds them daily. And you. Although He loves the birds very much, you are much more important to Him. He’ll take care of you. Cast your cares upon His shoulders. They are broad. He can take care of you. Don’t be anxious about tommorrow. Do you have food for today? Someone who loves you? I do. All we really have is this moment. Do what you can. When the cooling wind comes. Remember, I sent it to give you rest.
When trials come, I sent them to help you grow.  When tragedy strikes like the little boy’s senseless and brutal murder in New York, I mourn with you. I lost My Son as well. You may weep on My shoulder. I hear your cry and save your tears. I feel your grief. I see the despair. Comfort one another.  Righteousness will triumph over evil. There will be joy in the morning.
“Wait on the LORD; be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart;
wait, I say, on the LORD!”
~Psalm 27:14
About jstephens

James C. Stephens was a graduate of a Buddhist Study Academy and a Buddhist leader for fourteen years (1970-1984). In 1978, he married Elizabeth, a Jewish Buddhist at a Buddhist temple. Following an accident in Japan in 1981 while on a Buddhist pilgrimage followed by an intense three year spiritual search through various other faiths and practices, James and Elizabeth made the decision to become disciples of Jesus Christ. James graduated in 1999 with a MA in Intercultural Studies from Fuller School of Intercultural Studies and in 2010, launched http://www.worldviews101.com/ which offers a twelve week course "A Christian Perspective on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism."

He and his wife enjoy Landscape architecture, gardening, making kombucha and kefir, film, screenwriting, literature, and music.

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