February 11, 2025

An Open Letter to the 2016 US Conference of Mayors Regarding the Keynote Speaker the XIV Dalai Lama

An Open Letter to the 2016 US Conference of Mayors

Regarding the Keynote address by the XIV Dalai Lama on June 26, 2016

Site: Indianapolis, Indiana

Date: June 24-28, 2016

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

by James C. Stephens

In 1996, the XIV Dalai Lama, recognized at that time as the god-king of Tibet, was awarded the key to the City of Pasadena.  Concerned about the series of events, Dr. Arthur Glasser, Dean Emeritus of Fuller School of Intercultural Studies and I attended the Dalai Lama’s acceptance speech at Pasadena City Hall.

In an interview, aired on CBN, I asked Dr. Glasser how one should address the visit of the Dalai Lama. He replied, “He is a foreign personage of prominence, we should be respectful of him, but to offer him the key to the city, Christians would tend to react. They would say, ‘the key, the authority, what sort of authority is going to be understood by the Dalai Lama?”

Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and the Dalai Lama being awarded the US Congressional Gold Medal in the US Capitol Rotunda.

Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and the Dalai Lama being awarded the US Congressional Gold Medal in the US Capitol Rotunda.

As a former Buddhist youth leader and graduate of a Buddhist Study Academy, I had an intimate knowledge of the practice of Buddhism (1970-1984).  In 1981, prior to a Buddhist pilgrimage I had an accident in a train station in Japan.  For the following three years, I investigated other religious paths and practices and made a decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ, believing Him to be my Savior and Messiah.  In the ensuing years, I have studied Christianity as zealously as I had Buddhism, and came to deeply respect the historic Christian faith as originally delivered to the Jewish Apostles.

At the same time, I have continued to watch with concern, the deterioration of Christianity in the West and the funding of various religious traditions in America that have taken root through Government support.  I have closely watched the Dalai Lama and his work in the US and have seriously investigated his worldview, one which he carefully disguises in his public personae as a man of peace.  Formerly a paid agent of the CIA, his work continues to be heavily supported by the US Government as a key speaker at major universities, corporate venues, coliseums, and government halls.  It was also quite disconcerting that he was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Second Anniversary of 9-11 at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. He now has become a leading spokesman for climate change.

While I understand that his story is quite engaging, have seen movies about his life, read many of his books, heard him speak,   I find myself questioning the American public’s naiveté in writing him a spiritual blank check and elevating him,  in a sense,  to the position of “the pluralist pope” by providing a public platform to introduce his curriculum of secular ethics to our public school system.

As leaders of your respective cities, I urge you to pursue a candid and intelligent survey of the available external evidence of my concerns, which I believe will satisfy a reasonable mind.  While, I agree with Dr. Glasser that we should treat dignitaries from other countries with respect, our mandate as gatekeepers requires us to carefully weigh any proposal or ideas arising from those who are invited into our house, in this case, the US Council of Mayors.

In the early nineties, while teaching in the UK, I spoke to the Director of the London Buddhist Society who proudly showed me the loophole in the 1988 Religious Reform Act which opened the door in the UK to teach all religions and introduced a new curriculum overriding centuries of public policy wherein Christianity had been taught in their school system for hundreds of years.  Fast forward to 2016, and Sadiq Khan the new Mayor of London is a Muslim and all of Europe is in the throes of great religious turmoil as a result of the refugee crisis. The Dalai Lama recently shocked others when he stated, “There are now too many (refugees),” he said. “Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab land,” he added with a laugh. “Germany is Germany. From a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily. The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.” (India Times, June 01, 2016 by Kunal Anand).

The stability of a nation depends upon its religious statecraft, but also upon religious freedom and freedom of conscience.  Engraved on the North entrance of Los Angeles City Hall, the words of Israel’s King Solomon, the wisest King in history ring true,

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Samuel P. Huntington, Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University warned in his 1993 essay on The Clash of Civilizations, “What ultimately counts for people is not political ideology or economic interest. Faith and family, blood and belief are what people identify with and what they will fight and die for.”   While it is the duty of Christians in pluralist societies to cooperate with people of other faiths in seeking a just ordering of society, we are also required to hold to our original founding principles that made America a land in which refugees were welcomed to her shores.  It is a very simple question of hospitality, you are welcome to stay in our home, but there are a few rules you must follow. A guest is no longer a guest, when they begin to tell you how to run your own household. A lesson we all must remember as most of us are guests (immigrants) to Turtle Island.  The First Nations know that the land belongs to the Creator and not to any one man and if violated will vomit those out which defile her.

Charles Bridges (1794-1869), one of the leaders of the Evangelical party in the Church in England called its leader’s decisions into question when they began to chase after the traditions of men which had not proven to provide steady counsel to direct the affairs of state.  He stated, “The Bible exhibits a divinely appointed remedy commensurate with man’s infinite distress, and accepted of God in its power and prevalence. Who can doubt the excellency of the things that are written, so rich in counsel and knowledge—‘words fit for a prince to speak, and the best man in the world to hear? Such a minute and practical standard for relative life and social obligation!”

Over the last several years, the Dalai Lama has been developing a secular curriculum of ethics that he desires to be introduced into the curriculum of our nation’s schools.  His talks on “Beyond Religion” that seemingly appeal to the secularist mindset are touted to teach compassion and ethics without religion.  As Mayors, many struggle with the pluralist mix of religious and “none’s” in their cities.  However, embracing an untried curriculum with a questionable agenda designed by scholars from a progressive, Buddhist socialist background albeit supposedly stripped of any religious intent, still presents a major challenge to the prevailing foundations of the United States of America.

“If the foundations be destroyed, how can the righteous stand?”  Who now becomes the interpreter of what is right and what is wrong in a nation that has abandoned the faith of her fathers?  Some may argue, “Oh, but it’s for those who are not religious” and the like.  However, our laws and justice system were founded on Judeo-Christian principles as any astute legal mind will attest.  New curriculum proposals are serious changes of course that pack within them, unforeseen consequences. Making quick friends will bring lasting regrets.  This is not limited to any one foreign guest or leader in our nation, as our internal issues and crisis require more than a new Band-Aid. Our moral crisis is severe and it is not time to switch boats in midstream.  While the Dalai Lama as a foreign personage may provide key insight into our shortcomings providing a valuable outsider’s point of view, it does not mean that the solution he holds out with the other hand is an acceptable alternative.

The prophets of Troy, warned the city fathers not to trust Greeks bearing gifts.  The prophets out rightly said, “Burn the Trojan Horse.”   The City fathers instead accepted the gift and you know the rest of the old story.  Not unlike King Hezekiah that showed his enemy all his treasure stores unwisely, only later to have the City sacked.  It didn’t happen overnight, but set in motion a process whose seeds of destruction were carefully planted over time.

Yes, peace and compassion and mindfulness at first may sound wonderful. Who would reject them?  A wise man however, remembers “caveat emptor,” buyer beware.  The seller of his wares may call into doubt the integrity of the country’s foundation, promoting vain imaginations of how peace can be won by just calling a city a city of compassion. One may clean the outside of the cup, but inside it’s full of dead man’s bones.  As a young Buddhist, I recall marching in a Buddhist Brass Band dressed up in Santa Claus uniforms and playing Christian hymns  for the Los Angeles Mayor’s Christmas party.  Marketing Buddhism as American as Mom and Apple Pie; strategies cooked up by Madison Fifth Avenue Ad executives.

So, when you listen to the Dalai Lama and his fascinating story, one must ask oneself the more difficult questions as a mature leader whose constituency no doubt contains a high portion of Christians, “Why has the Dalai Lama been chosen as the keynote speaker? What is the agenda? Am I about to embrace something I have no understanding of and discard what I have known? Am I willing to implement an ideology that may be divisive to many of the people I shepherd? As the wise King Solomon said, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end leads to destruction.”   Even the wisest king lost his way for a time and embraced many false ideologies, before coming to his senses at the end of his life. Is it not better to question your own judgment upfront and seek what your elders once taught? Why waste present possibilities and needed reformation by embracing what you only perceive to be a better way?

Doubts may arise as distance lends enchantment to the view. Carefully weigh and survey the information you hear for the destiny of your city depends upon the wisdom of its counselors.

“When warnings for instruction are not received, they are tokens of destruction. This is a truth which none almost deny, and none almost believe. Had it been believed, many desolating judgments in former ages had been prevented; nations and cities should have abode in prosperity, which are now sunk into ruin, yea, into hell.”

               -(John Owen to the UK Parliament in a day of reflection on the nation’s spiritual state).



EpicycleMedia:  The Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism playlist.


“The Dalai Lama and the Anatomy of Politically Correct Buddhism” by James C. Stephens based on a chapter in InterVarsity Press’s Guide to New Religious Movements edited by Dr. Ronald Enroth, Sociology Professor at Westmont College, Santa Barbara.


Dalai Lama and the Kalachakra: A Wake-Up Call for the West.  Stephens’ Interview of Victor Trimondi on the Dalai Lama and 9-11 (in English and Chinese).


The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism by Victor and Victoria Trimondi

This study is not for the fainthearted. If you want to live in the world of fantasy, don’t read this expose.


“Our study is divided into two parts. The first contain a depiction and critique of the religious foundations of Tibetan (“Tantric”) Buddhism and is entitled Ritual as Politics. The second part (Politics as Ritual) examines the power politics of the Kundun (Dalai Lama) and its historical preconditions. The relationship between political power and religion is thus central to our book.”

Critical Forum for the Investigation of the Kalachakra Tantra and the Shambhala Myth.


The Kalachakra-Tantra is anything but pacifist, rather, it prophesies and promotes a bloody religious war for world domination between Buddhists and non-Buddhists (Shambhala myth).

The text explicitly names the “leaders” of the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) as opponents of Buddhism: “Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, the White-Clad one [Mani], Muhammad and Mathani [the Mahdi]”. The Kalachakra Tantra describes them as “the family of the demonic snakes” (Shri Kalachakra I. 154).

Thus, the Kalachakra Tantra is opposed to all religions of Semitic origin, and for this reason has been pressed into service by right-wing radical and anti-Semitic circles for their racist propaganda.

The Kalachakra Tantra invokes a global war between the Islamic and the non-Islamic world in which the followers of Mohammed are presented as the principal enemies of the Buddhists. The original text refers to Mecca, where the “mighty, merciless idol of the barbarians” lives as a “demonic incarnation” (Shri Kalachakra I. 154).









European Press Critically Exams the Dalai Lama and Kalachakra Rituals While the American Press Naps in Washington, D.C.

Comments on a Press Release

Monday, July 11, 2011

I just ran across a press release that gives some vital information on the Kalachakra Initiation that is occurring in Washington, DC. Here it is. It  provides very critical insights on what appears to be happening in Washington, DC. Hope you find it of assistance.

‘The Kalachakra Initiation in Washington DC is the one of the largest and most spectacular events Tibetan Buddhism ever has performed in the West. Nearly all high ranked Lamas are present from around the globe including the young Karmapa, who seemingly is being billed by the D. L. as his spiritual successor. So estimate that 100.000 participants will be attending the Kalachakra ceremonies over the ten day period (July 6-16,2011) including some high ranking political figures.’ Although the Dalai Lama recently resigned from his position as King of the Tibetan-Government-in-Exile and boasts of “separation of Church and State, he has already had political meetings with US top politicians including Speaker of the House John Boehner, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), and several other representatives.

Because of the complexity and potential consequences of the initiation, it is imperative that this  issue be discussed into an open and critical debate.  Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find journalists that are not Tibet-o-philes blogging at the ceremony.  While they provide interesting observations, the difficult analytical work of the investigative journalist is missing. Take a look below at the list of hard hitting European articles. What a difference. Where are the Aikman’s and Woodwards?  JCS

Trimondi Online European Magazine (English)

Press release of the Critical Forum Kalachakra.

The Kalachakra-Tantra

A Ritual of Peace or a Totalitarian Temptation?

From July 6 through 16, 2011 the XIV Dalai Lama will offer a Kalachakra-Tantra-Ritual in the heart of the U.S. capital, Washington, DC. In Sanskrit, Kalachakra means “The Wheel of Time.” The Kalachakra Tantra, as well the sacred text used in its ritualistic performance, is considered to be “the pinnacle of all Buddhist systems.”

Included in the Kalchakra Tantra are: the construction of a so-called Sand Mandala, which symbolizes the cosmos, an apocalyptic prophecy known as the Shambhala Myth, and several top-secret initiations.

This complicated mystical ritual is presented by the Dalai Lama and the organizers of the event as a dignified and uplifting contribution to world peace, which fosters compassion with all living beings, inter-religious dialog, interracial tolerance, ecological awareness, sexual equality, inner peace, spiritual development, and bliss for the third millennium (Kalachakra for World Peace). One of the Dalai Lama’s mottos for the whole performance is: “Because we all share this small planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature.”

But are the Kalachakra Tantra and the Shambhala Myth truly pacifist? Do they really encourage harmony and cooperation among people? Do they make any real contribution to freedom and justice, equality of gender, religious tolerance or ethnic reconciliation? Are they a comprehensive, politically humanist, democratic and non-violent contribution to world peace?

Andrei Znamenski, Associate Professor of History at Alabama State University and author of an exciting book about the Shambhala Myth in Bolshevist Russia (Red_Shambhala – Magic, Prophecy, and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia) came to another conclusion:

“It might be shocking for many readers, but let me start by saying that the Kalachakra Tantra has nothing to do with peace, compassion­, and freedom. In Tantric Buddhism it was a misogynist­ic quest performed by male initiates to accumulate sacred power of particular Buddhist deities (the lower seven initiation­s are open for all) and, through blending male and female fluids (top secret initiation­s that involved sexuality)­, to eventually turn themselves into superhuman androgynou­s beings. Moreover, part of the Kalachakra teaching was a militant Shambhala prophecy, a call for a Buddhist holy war against enemies of Buddhism.”

Andrei Znamenski is not alone in this assessment. The Kalachakra Tantra and Tibetan Buddhism are coming more and more into focus by critics. (See: Critical Links to Lamaism) In their groundbreaking work The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism, German cultural philosophers, Victor and Victoria Trimondi, not only provide surprising, previously ignored research but also undertake a well-founded interpretation of Lamaism, rendering the Tibetan-Buddhist worldview understandable for Western readers through a comparison with European religious traditions.

The text pays particular attention to an extensive analysis of the Kalachakra Tantra and its political, ideological, and spiritual implications. (The book appeared in 1999 through the reputable German publishing house Patmos Verlag. The English version is online. It became the standard work on the critical examination of Lamaism and the metapolitics of the Dalai Lama.

In the eighties Victor Trimondi did support the Tibetan religious leader, organized several international congresses and other events with him and featured books about him in his own publishing house, the Dianus-Trikont-Verlag.) In their book the two authors describe in detail the secret rituals of sexual magic in the higher initiations of the Kalachakra Tantra (The Public and the Secret Initiations); they have shown the religious-political intention of the Tantra to establish a world-wide Buddhocracy with a sacred world-ruler (The ADI Buddha); they discuss the intolerance of the Tantra vis-à-vis the monotheist religions, its militant and aggressive warrior-ideology, and its vision of a religious end-time battle against Islam (The Aggressive Myth of Shambhala); and they show how the Tantra is interpreted by the Dalai Lama spokesman Robert Thurman as a symbolic and meta-political instrument to conquer western culture by Lamaism (The Buddhocratic Conquest of the West ).

The Trimondis came to very similar conclusions as their American colleague Andrei Znamenski and other critical authors on the topic: “The teachings of the Buddha have so many treasures and wonderful insights, but the philosophy, the vision and the practices of the Kalachakra Tantra are neither compatible with fundamentals of Buddha’s teachings nor with basic principles of Western Enlightenment. Therein are included an apocalyptic war of religion, the aggressive application of super-weapons, radical transgressions of a humanistic moral code, the dissolution of the ego and the soul of the participants of the ritual, the totalitarian subjugation under the will of the guru, the idea of an imperial and global lama-state (Buddhocracy), and the concept of an absolutist world ruler, the Chakravartin.

The sexual rites in the higher initiations of this occult ritual have to be designated as a manipulation of erotic love and a misuse of female energy to produce spiritual and worldly power of men and monks. So the equality of the sexes, democratic decision making, and ecumenical movements are in themselves foreign to the nature of the Kalachakra Tantra.”

The two German cultural philosophers created the Critical Forum Kalachakra to open a wide-ranging debate over the hidden “dark sides” of the Tantra, and  published many other articles, including a pamphlet, Eight Questions to the 14th Dalai Lama on the Topic of the Kalachakra.

During the public Kalachakra Initiation in Graz/Austria directed by the Dalai Lama (2002), the German-speaking media picked up these critiques from the Trimondis and other authors  to discuss the controversial ritual.

  • The Austrian state TV & Radio ORF broadcasted a feature called, “Critique of the ‘Peace Ritual’ of the Dalai Lama in Graz.” ‘Peace Ritual’ has been written in quotations marks to emphasize the ambivalence of the term in this context.
  • Der Standard (The “New York Times” of Vienna) published a cover article with the title, “A Warrior Ritual of the Dalai Lama: The Kalachakra,”
  • The conservative German Weekly Der Rheinische Merkur wrote: “Extremely wild warriors: what is hidden behind the Kalachakra – Thousands have attended the peace ritual of the Dalai Lama. But the ‘Religion of Happiness’ has also its dark sides.”
  • Georg Schmid, Prof. for Religious Studies at the University Zürich (Switzerland) called attention to the fact that the Kalachakra Tantra was the product of the religious war between Buddhists and militant Moslems in India around the turn of the first millennium.  It was under this influence that the Tantra changed fundamental Buddhist principles. “In this time,” said Professor Schmid, “Buddhism had adopted the law of its enemies and had developed a Buddhist concept of a holy war, a forthcoming apocalyptic conflict between friend and foe of the Buddha-way and a future Buddhist world dominium.”
  • Alexander Berzin, a designated Kalachakra expert of the Dalai Lama [JCS comments Berzin is the Dalai Lama’s apologist. So what’s needed are several different perspectives], also confirms that the Tantra proclaims a holy war: “A careful examination of the Buddhist texts, particularly The Kalachakra Tantra literature, reveals both external and internal levels of battle that could easily be called ‘holy wars.’ An unbiased study of Islam reveals the same. In both religions, leaders may exploit the external dimensions of holy war for political, economic, or personal gain by using it to rouse their troops to battle. Historical examples regarding Islam are well known; but one must not be rosy-eyed about Buddhism.”
  • In the meantime, dozens of books, articles, and discussion groups in German and French have carried forward these criticisms and have expanded them–without sparing the person of the Dalai Lama.
  • A lot of the critical voices came also from the Buddhist camp. See, for example, comments to an article about the Kalachakra Initiation 2011 in the Huffington Post.


  • The latest high point of this critical wave in Germany was a cover story in Germany’s biggest magazine “Stern” (2009): The two faces of the Dalai Lama – The soft Tibetan and his undemocratic Regime (trans. in English). This article was written by Tilman Müller, the same journalist who uncovered ten years before–with his Austrian colleague Gerald Lehner–the Nazi past of the Dalai Lama’s teacher, Heinrich Harrer: Dalai Lama’s friend: Hitlers Champion (trans. in English). Their sensational discovery caused a protest movement in the Jewish community against the film adaptation of Harrer’s autobiographical book Seven Years in Tibet, with Brad Pitt as Harrer.
  • Very accurately the historian Andrei Znamenskis calls the Kalachakra Tantra “a totalitarian temptation.” In his book Red Shambhala he recounts the story of political and spiritual seekers from West and East who used the Tibetan Buddhist prophecies of the Kalachakra Tantra (the Shambhala Myth) to promote their spiritual, social, and geopolitical agendas and schemes. Red Shambhala proves that people in the Left were no strangers to the occult, and they were equally mesmerized by the Tantra. But even more mesmerized have been people of the far Right.
  • In their second book, Hitler-Buddha-Krishna – An unholy alliance from the Third Reich to the present day (2002) which received international attention, Victor and Victoria Trimondi show how influential Fascists and Nazis used the philosophies, mythologies, visions, and dogmas as well as the religious practices and texts of the spiritual traditions of Asia for glorifying war, and for the deification of the “Führer” and the white race. Some of them have been electrified by the Kalachakra Tantra and the Shambhala-Myth.
  • The Trimondis uncover how the Nazi-Orientalists who prepared the SS Tibet Expedition of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler have been interested in the ritual, and how members of the SS Ahnenerbe (the brain trust of the SS) wanted to spare the Kalachakra Temple in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) during the siege and barrage of the city by the Deutsche Wehrmacht (1941 – 1944). The Shambhala Myth of the Kalachakra Tantra and its militant ideologies are a topic in the occult literature of the international Neo-Fascist and Neo-Nazi scene. One example is Miguel Serrano, the recently deceased leader of the Chilean National Socialists.
  • Another is Ernesto Mila, former chief of the Spanish National-Socialists, who writes about the Kalachakra-Ritual in his article, The envoys of Hitler in Tibet: “The Kalachakra Tantra and its initiation is not a normal ritual. . . . It is the ‘supreme initiation,’ that ‘assured the renaissance in Shambhala’ at the moment of the last battle against the powers of evil. . . . It is the initiation which is appropriate for the warrior caste.”
  • Another example is the accredited expert on the Orient (and Hitler admirer) Jean Marquès-Rivière who after WW II was convicted in absentia and given the death sentence for turning Jews and Free Masons over to the Gestapo and SS in France. He was the author of a Kalachakra interpretation once popular with some fascist elements. He wrote in his book that the Dalai Lama personally gave a ring to him with the Kalachakra Emblem to demonstrate that he is part of the inner circle of Shambhala adepts. (Kalachakra: Initiation Tantrique du Dalai Lama)  Last but not least, the Japanese Doomsday Guru, Shoko Asahara must be mentioned. He intended a Shambalization of our planet by means of nuclear terror. Asahara was responsible for poisonous gas attacks on Tokyo’s metro in 1995, killing 12 and leaving hundreds injured. The terrorist sect’s leader met the Dalai Lama on several occasions. Even weeks after the first assault, the Dalai Lama called him a “friend, yet not a perfect one.” Only later did the Dalai Lama distance himself from the sect leader. (The Doomsday Guru Shoko Asahara and XIV Dalai Lama).
  • So the “totalitarian temptation” which streams out from the Kalachakra Tantra for all sorts of political and religious fanatics makes it absolutely necessary that the text, commentaries, and the ritual itself are discussed and disputed openly and honestly, especially at this time when the ritual is performed in a place where the power of the world is concentrated: Washington DC. The organizers are very conscious of this political acupuncture point when they write, “The Kalachakra for World Peace 2011 will unfold in a world capital where local actions deeply and globally affect the lives of so many.”

A statement from the Capital Area Tibetan Association, which is putting on the event, also stressed the significance of having it in Washington: “If there is a seed of spirituality in this very city, that seed when it grows is bound to have an effect.” The ritual is to be carried out in the Verizon Center approximately mid-way between the White House and the US Capitol Buildings, just a short stroll from the National Mall.

A Washington Post article states, “Many still see huge significance in his [the Dalai Lama’s] picking the capital of the world’s superpower as the place for a ritual about how to reconcile disunity. Some believe the Kalachakra’s hopeful explanation about how to deal with differences literally will spread through meditators to area bigwigs coping with national debt, wars, environmental disasters and terrorism.”

The article cites Clark Strand, former editor of Tricycle, a Buddhist magazine: “The most significant thing about this is the time and place, 10 years after 9/11, and in a place where big decisions are being made about the planet.”

Yes,10 years after 9/11! But what did happen exactly ten years before 9/11? In 1991 in New York City a so-called Kalachakra Sand Mandala was constructed, then destroyed by the Dalai Lama, and the sand was poured into the water near the World Trade Center. Two years later in 1993 another Wheel of Time (Kalachakra) Sand Mandala was built by Tibetan Monks in the lobby of Tower One. For over thirty days, many of the World Trade Center workers and visitors were invited to participate during the construction of this Mandala. Although these coincidences may be accidental, they prove that these two Kalachakra events were not a remedy for “national debt, wars, environmental disasters and terrorism.” If they did have any magical effect at all, it was to produce exactly the opposite.

You will find a résumé of the most problematic contents of the Kalachakra Tantra with original citations under: Critical Forum Kalachakra. The English site of the “Trimondi Online Magazine” under: www.trimondi.de/EN/front.html and the book “The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism” under: www.trimondi.de/SDLE/Index.htm Critical Forum Kalachakra.

Virgin Skulls and the Forbidden Stitch

Virgin Skulls and the Forbidden Stitch

by James C. Stephens

Note: This repost of an article written in 2005 has been slightly modified.

Currently Buddhism is being marketed to such a high degree that even Buddhists parody the Madison Avenue hype surrounding the Buddhist boom. Buddha books are big business, while magazines are a lucrative cottage industry supported by pages and pages of advertisements marketing everything from retreats, national conferences, the reincarnation of tea, salad dressings, Buddha beads, sneakers to smiling Tibetan lamas opening Toshiba laptops on the “rooftop of the world.”

Huge billboards along LA freeways featured the smiling image of the Dalai Lama advertising Apple’s “Think Different,” while the “Simpson’s,” a primetime cartoon program parodying American culture, focused on little Lisa’s conversion to Tibetan Buddhism on their Christmas special.

Three years ago, a consortium of art museums, scholars, performers, artists, and cultural communities and critics met at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center in New York to begin planning a major collaborative art project called The Buddhism Project. By the spring of 2000, the West Coast component decided to independently pursue its own goals and established Awake: Art, Buddhism, and the Dimensions of Consciousness.

Its stated objective is to “explore the relationships between Buddhist practice and art practice in America” and will reveal through a planned series of exhibits, film festivals, and lectures “the threads of Buddhist influence that run through the fabric of contemporary culture and the potential for satisfying aesthetic experience engendered by an open, aware state of mind.”

Awake initiated a curriculum development committee to develop meditation materials based exclusively on Buddhist art and practice to introduce it into the ninth grade classrooms. Signs that this program is finding its way into Los Angeles Unified School District unfolded on November 4, as the LA County Museum of Art Teacher and School Program, held a training session entitled, “Images of Compassion: Buddhist Art and Practice” which explained:

The meanings of Buddhist symbols and gestures are explored, as well as how the art was used in meditation, the primary practice of all types of Buddhism.

A special curriculum guide, “Visual Arts for Meditation,” has been developed for junior high, high school and comparative religion teachers. A training session for these materials will occur during the program….

Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, Rubin Foundation, Awake is now comprised of fifty institutions and individuals, many who openly are Buddhist practitioners, artists and priests, who will be seriously promoting a pro-Buddhist agenda at over 60 major exhibitions across America from January 2003 until 2005.

Why Now? Imagine living two years prior to the opening of Mecca, the Islamic holy site where six million devout Muslims annually make a pilgrimage once in their lifetime. In 2005, the $200,000,000 Maitreya Project, the Buddhist equivalent to Mecca is slated to be completed in Bodh Gaya, India in the state of Bihar (still in process). The statue of Maitreya (Future Messiah) Buddha is 500′ tall (reduced to 125’) and will house over two million Buddhist idols.

Many new temples, schools, hospitals, hotels, and facilities are being constructed for this arising global Buddhist center where millions of Buddhists and spiritual seekers will make a pilgrimage to where the Siddhartha Buddha is said to have achieved enlightenment. Awake and The Buddhism Project have undoubtedly been scheduled to dovetail to assist in raising awareness and funds for the Maitreya Project which will be completed in 2005.

module 3 picture

One of the major platforms is the San Francisco-Los Angeles Corridor where over 28 exhibits will be staged at museums and universities. The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art [1] at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art beginning October 5, 2003 and running through January 4, 2004 is designed to “offer a clear experience of providing a vivid guide through the stages of meditation.”

Christopher Knight, art critic for the LA Times reviewed the opening of the “Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art” exhibit in a tongue in cheek art review, entitled: “Overstating the religious?” which opened on October 5, 2003.

He keenly pointed out,

“Interested in becoming a Buddhist? You’re in luck. Now through Jan. 4, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is offering general instruction in Vajrayana Buddhism…Why is a county art museum offering a public course of religious study? Beats me. But that’s the novel-and inappropriate—organizing principle behind the otherwise impressive new exhibition “The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art…”


In the opening gallery, one passes by a nondescript religious silk wall hanging of several flower vases and an assortment of mountain scenes. The Exhibit’s curator Professor John Huntington (Ohio State University) revealed that he had some irreconcilable difficulties in its creation as it was stitched by twelve to twenty-one year old girls recruited for the job.

He went on to ask, ‘Why only until twenty-one? Because by then they had gone blind in making them.’ This spurred me onto further research which revealed that the Forbidden Stitch law had been passed in China to prevent this abusive practice in the silk trade. The stitches were so fine, that it produced blindness in the girls.

Today, in India and China there are over fifteen million indentured children working extremely long hours under cruel circumstances in the silk, rug and other industries, which severely damage their health, akin to the abusive child labor practices found in the west during the industrial revolution. The tragedy is that today we buy some of these discounted products in Wal-Mart and other stores and thus perpetuate abusive institutions.


In the main gallery, a sand mandala dedicated to two obscure copulating deities was built for the first time in the western hemisphere by a group of Tibetan Lamas from a monastery in Long Beach. Based upon ancient Tibetan rituals invoking the presence of Tibetan deities and goddesses, this sand painting acts as a portal to the demonic realm and establishes territorial authority wherever it is built.

In a very unusual and secretive spontaneous event, another sand mandala invoking the Diamond Realm and establishing a seat for the universal Buddhist emperor was built in LACMA West on December 11-14, 2003. The Southern Asian Art Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art invited “Most Rev. Badri Ratna Bajracharya, ‘Living National Treasure’ of Nepal along with eleven other priests and one laywoman from Buddhist temples from the Kathmandu Valley. They wrote,

For the first time in history, Buddhist priests from the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal will present their magnificent ritual practices outside of their homeland. These priests are the last surviving legacy of the Vajrayana tradition of South Asia.” [2]

According to Alexander v. Rospatt (Ph.D. from the University of Leipzig, Germany) who presented a paper at the 1998 “Conference on Buddhist Heritage of Nepal Mandala”, that the Vajrayana mandalas that are built by the Tantric Newars function to establish the seat of the Adi-Buddha, the universal religious emperor and his diamond realm. [3]

After four days of invocations to Buddhist deities and constructing the sand mandala which contained eight great Hindu gods, the nine great terrifying ones, the four great kings, and ten protectors,…and eight great water spirits” [4] it was discreetly swept up and was dispersed in Malibu by an American Chinese Buddhist. [5]


In the final gallery of the Circle of Bliss Exhibit, there were several religious wall hangings dedicated to the Wheel of Time God (Kalachakra). This cosmography of the Kalachakra which Tibetan Buddhists profess brings peace, was one and the same that was built in Tower One previous to 9-11 in 1994 by Ngawang Chojor, a member of the order of the Namgyal, the Dalai Lama’s personal monastery. Even the Trimondi’s who are the authors of The Shadow of the Dalai Lama have linked the building of this mandala to destruction. [i]

If our previous experience of watching busloads of children attend the Shi-Tro Mandala at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena during the Cosmos Exhibit is any measuring stick, we anticipate that the exhibit will be attended by busloads of children from the Los Angeles Unified School District over the Exhibits scheduled stay at LACMA.


This fall beginning on October 19, Pacific Asia Museum will host a showing of The White Beryl Sutra which the Tibetan Shaman chants when channeling spirits for giving guidance to Tibetan lamas or the Dalai Lama who consults the Nechung Oracle to this day is inhabited by demonic spirits.

At Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana, California on Sunday October 12, 2003 Tibet! Treasures from the Roof of the World will open displaying for the first time in Western history, “rare and sacred treasures of Tibet” from the Dalai Lama’s summer and winter palaces. “They are objects that are at the center of myths and legends in the 1,000 room Potala Palace, which was built in the 1600’s by the fifth Dalai Lama.” [6]After the exhibit closes in May 2004, it will embark on a national tour.


The following sampling gives one a taste of what is coming this fall (2003) in So Cal:

Salvation: Images of the Buddhist Deity of Compassion @ LACMA Aug. 14, 2003-July 5, 2004 (Disturbing: This is Avalokitsevara-the Patron Deity of Tibet whom Buddhists believe is in the Dalai Lama).

Drawing on Faith: Ink Paintings for Korean Buddhist Icons @ LACMA Aug. 25, 2003-Jan. 11, 2004.

From the Verandah: Art, Buddhism and Presence @ UCLA’s Fowler Museum of Cultural History Oct. 5, 2003-December 28, 2003 Collaborative project with UCLA Hammer Museum and Japanese American Cultural and Community Center.

The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art [7] at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art beginning October 5, 2003 and running through January 4, 2004 (begins on Yom Kippur)

Tibet!Treasures from the Roof of the World @ Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, CA from October 12 through May 2004.

The White Beryl Sutra @ Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, CA from Oct. 19, 2003.

Chieh Jen Chen Artist Residency @ Otis College of Art and Design in L.A.-Fall 2003.

The Art of Rice: Spirit and Sustenance in Asia @ UCLA Fowler Museum Fall 2003.

The Great Gesture (Mahamudra): Confluence of Brancusi’s Art and Buddhist Poetry @ LACMA October 2003.


First International Buddhist Film Festival @ LACMA, Nov. 20-24, 2003.

My interest in the power of media and its negative influence led me to reading The Religion of the Force, which talked about the movie “The Empire Strikes Back,” which Director Irving Kirschner said was designed to introduce Zen Buddhism to Children. Yoda, the Jedi’s teacher was none other than the proverbial Zen master. The latest movie about Tina Turner’s life “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”  blatantly touts Buddhism as the way to true happiness. Indeed, today’s celebrities are America’s gurus. If you are not teaching your children, the media is. [ii]

What will be our answer to the blatant idolatry that is being funded by your tax dollars in museums and universities across the nation? Prayer is a given. What should be our response? We are called to protect our children from the onslaught in the schools. The Awake Project is also developing a curriculum on meditation based exclusively on Buddhist art and practices for introduction into the ninth grade.

Studies have shown that there are presently over 1600 Buddhist temples, centers and monasteries in America, many of them Tibetan. [8] In the twelve years between 1985 and 1997, “more Buddhist meditation centers were established than the total number founded in the first eighty-five years of the twentieth century.” [iii]


A key component of their religious agenda is the establishment of Shambhala, a global Buddhist empire, illuminated in the Kalachakra initiation. While researching the life of Agvan Dorzhiev, tutor to the XIII Dalai Lama and Lhasa’s emissary to Russia’s Tsar, John Snelling uncovered the “Shambhala Project,” Dorzhiev’s vision of a great Buddhist empire. “Many Kalachakra devotees, including the present Dalai Lama believe that it is an actual place.” [iv]

Dorzhiev “skillfully” negotiated the political support of the Bolshevik regime in his religious vision by stating that “Buddhist doctrine is largely compatible with current Communist thinking.” [v]

The “Shambhala Project” incorporated Geshe Wangyal, a key Tibetan Buddhist leader from Kalmykia (a Tibetan Buddhist Republic in the former USSR). Fleeing the “full brunt of Stalin’s wrath” in 1952, Kalmyk refugees were the first group of Tibetan Buddhists to see Lady Liberty. After resettling in New Jersey, they established a Tibetan Buddhist temple and “in 1955, the eminent Kalmyk Lama Geshe Wangyal (1901-83) came to minister there. [vi]


How is it that wherever the Dalai Lama ventures, that the seemingly Teflon mystique of “Shangri-La” follows him? Originally the myth seems to have found its voice through the writings of James Hilton, the author of Lost Horizons and Lowell Thomas’s radio programs about his adventures in Tibet. [vii] Movie Director, Frank Capra perpetuated the myth of “Shangri-La,” a mysterious hidden kingdom through “Lost Horizons” (1937).

Rarely though does the Dalai Lama speak of his country’s historical problems with feudalism or his political contacts with Neo-Socialists. In Tricycle, a quarterly Buddhist magazine, Alex McKay explores the Nazi expedition to Tibet in 1939 involving five members of Hitler’s Secret Service. Their anthropological studies sought to confirm evidence of Hitler’s “idea of racial perfection that would justify their views on world history and German supremacy.” [viii] This became a source of embarrassment to the producers of “Seven Years in Tibet” which quickly glossed over Heinrech Harrer’s SS connection to Adolf Hitler.

Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, shared his concern about Tibet’s connection with Nazi Germany in Hitler’s Cross, a startling exposé.

He wrote,

Karl Haushofer became Hitler’s mentor. Haushofer had made several trips to India and was well versed in eastern occultism. He also lived in Japan for a time where he was initiated into an esoteric Buddhist sect called the “Green Dragon.” Through these contacts a colony of Tibetan lamas settled in Berlin, and when the Russians took the city in 1945, they found a thousand Tibetan corpses in German uniforms. Haushofer, more than any other, challenged Hitler with the vision of world conquest.

The newer contacts of the Dalai Lama with Neo-Nazis are equally troubling. On several occasions he has met with Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano, the leader of the National Socialist Party of Chile who is the “ideologist of esoteric Hitlerism.” Serrano was a student of ‘Julius Evola (1898-1974) WWII Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini’s chief ideologist, who was heavily influenced by Tibetan Tantricism.’ [x]

The remarkable tenure of the Dalai Lama as God-King for life surpasses every President we’ve had since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Although most nations do not officially recognize Tibet as a sovereign nation, they still allow the Dalai Lama the liberty to speak from his platform as a religious leader, even though they have little knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism’s global agenda or its worldview. As a religious and political foreign guest, the Dalai Lama has mastered the Buddhist art of “skillful means” (Upaya) and utilizes his position to propagate Tibetan Buddhism believing “the end, justifies the means.”


“They that do not study history are doomed to repeat it.” Victor and Victoria Trimondi, two radical German Buddhists who were instrumental in inviting the Dalai Lama to Germany wrote,

“Only the worst villain could disagree with what he has said and written.” After responding to his encouragement to convert to Tibetan Buddhism, they uncovered an extreme “metaphysical exploitation of women,” a vile connection between magic and politics, and “the foundation for an absolutistic system in which spiritual and worldly power are united in one person, the Dalai Lama.” [xi]

Their findings were released in February 1999 in The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics, an expose of 800 pages of carefully researched and reasoned arguments. The Trimondi’s take you on a painful spiritual journey that dismantles the West’s idealized image of Tibet and takes off the pacifist mask of the Dalai Lama, revealing a pantheon of warring deities and a skillful God-King who still acknowledges the guidance of the Nechung Oracle [9] in all his important State decisions.

A deity war is being waged today against the 20,000 followers of Shugden Dorje, whose worship was outlawed by the Dalai Lama and is being enforced by house-to-house searches in India.


They warn that the ‘Kalachakra Initiation is consciously devoted to the manipulation of believers and introduces “an aggressive military ethos” aiming at “the establishment of a global Buddhocracy” following a Buddhist war in 2327 waged against the followers of Mohammed, Abraham, and Jesus.’ [xii]

In light of Tibet’s historical takeover of Bön, one might be tempted to seriously ask, “Do we as Americans understand the Buddhist worldview that is motivating Tibetans to systematically build sand mandalas across America? Or are they simply sharing their art and culture to raise money to build prayer halls in Asia?”

In October 1998, two groups of Tantric Buddhist monks began a tour across America and Canada to construct 100 sand mandalas which were predominantly financed by Gere Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Their professed goal beyond raising funds simply was “to spread their knowledge to everyone who wants to learn about their traditions.” [xiii]

In one of Karl Gustav Jung’s last works, “Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth,” he remarked that mandalas are the “pre-eminent symbol for our time” and appear in “situations of psychic confusion and perplexity.” [xiv] He went on to associate the psychological experience of the UFO phenomena with the “rotundum, the symbol of wholeness and the archetype that expresses itself in mandala form.” [xv]

module 2 pictureIn the blockbuster movie, “Independence Day” you may recall the terror of citizens across the globe who helplessly observed alien ships attack earth in a global Armageddon. A review of the movie discloses alien ships assuming the form of giant air born mandalas, symbolically opening up as lotus flowers (euphemistic Tantric symbol for vagina in Buddhism) usurping power from giant buildings (phallic symbolism) that penetrated the skies. Prior to the White House’s destruction by an alien ship, a split second shot of a small framed picture of the Dalai Lama and the President is revealed in the Oval Office.

According to the Trimondi’s, “the Kalachakra sand mandala is a means of occult possession of the territory in which it is created” [xvi] including the waters where it is dispersed, reminding one of their original strategy of conquest in Tibet. Some Buddhists theorize it brings peace, while other Buddhist scholars speculate it brings destruction in its wake. One such mandala was sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution as part of a $6,500,000 Summer 2000 Folk Life Festival featuring “Tibet Land Beyond the Snows” on the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC. Over 2,500,000 visitors attended the exhibit replete with Tibetan temple, prayer monument, prayer wheels, pornographic Tantric idols and chanting lamas.


In the overcrowded marketplace of ideas, where every guru, priest, and religious leader is being promoted as the solution to the world’s problems, “buyers beware” is a watchword to be taken quite seriously. Maybe my apprehension arises out of my experience as a Buddhist in the 70’s hearing all the talk about peace, compassion and kindness from leaders who in the same breathe spoke in condescending tones about the superiority of Buddhism. Critical thinking however, doesn’t need to go out the door when we are hosting, interacting or sharing our faith with those of other religious persuasions.

Christians have a duty to investigate religious systems that impact their lives and to effectively proclaim the Gospel in full understanding of the context of world history. Os Guinness, born in China, educated at Oxford, at a talk at La’bri in 1973 issued a stern warning to the Church it has yet to heed:

The swing to the East has come at a time when Christianity is weak at just those points where it would need to be strong to withstand the East. Without this strength, the Eastern religions will be to Christianity a new, dangerous Gnosticism, but this time much of the fight will be lost before many see the nature of the danger. [xvii]

I have observed Tibetan lamas in local host museums teaching young children how to make mandalas who were innocently unaware of their proximity to malevolent spirits. Even Tibetan lamas recognize dangerous demons that manifest during the construction of mandalas and perform ritual offerings to them to prevent their own possession by demonic spirits.


The late Mas Toyotomi, a Japanese American who served with Japanese Evangelical Missions Society warned,

“Satan’s subtle strategy is to camouflage idolatry in such a way that even Christians do not recognize it as such. Because there is practically no preaching against idolatry in America, they are vulnerable to the temptations of modern sophisticated idolatry. [xviii]”

The watchman’s warning is clear (Ezekiel 33:4). The Tibetan Buddhist World Peace Vase Project [10] recently completed its’ first global target, America. 180 tantric vases have now been buried in every state, key National Parks, significant mountain peaks, Capital cities, lakes, and major waterways. Tibetan Tantric Lamas continue to build mandalas at Universities, museums, buildings and temples in America financed by major foundations.

In the Old Testament, God “abandoned Israel because it was filled “with idols” and “influences from the east.”  The first of His commandments read:

And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt
have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for
I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And
shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;
for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Exodus 20:1-7

Thou shalt nots

The message to Christians all across America is indeed, AWAKE from your slumber!

God warns us that He abandoned Israel because it was filled “with idols” and “influences from the east.”

Rather than serving God and loving Him, they “mingled with the nations and learned their practices” which were detestable to the Lord, so the Lord then “gave them into the hand of the nations; and those who hated them ruled over them” (Psalm 106:40b NASV).

RED ALERT COUNTDOWN 4 days until the Kalachakra Ceremony in WDC Prophecy in the Kalachakra of the Buddhist War

Friday, July 1, 2011

Red Alert:Compilation on the Kalachakra in Washington, DC

by James C. Stephens


The history of interaction between Islam and Buddhism is a bloody one.  Vajrayana Buddhism, originally from India, was forced over the Himalayas for survival after losing its battles with Islam in India.  The Kalachakra ceremony sets the stage as it introduces the Shambhala myth where “two superpowers will then have control over the world and take to the field against one another. The Tibetans  foresee a Third World War ” (Henss, 1985, p.19).

In the Kalachakra Tantra, the “false doctrines” that need to be battled are nominated.  The Kalachakra nominates Mohammed, Enoch, Abraham and Moses among the Jews, then Jesus for the Christians.


FEDERAL TRIANGLE. The area is known as the Federal Triangle which was designed and laid out by Frederick Law Olmstead, who was also the landscape architect for Central Park in New York and Stanford University in California.  The District of Columbia is laid out “according to Egyptian pagan beliefs” in the shape of the Egyptian hieroglyph daleth, a triangle which Freemasons use to identify occult sites.  It mirrors the constellation Sirius.

In the Capitol Dome a pantheon of Greek Gods is prominently displayed where the Dalai Lama was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. The obelisk, or Washington monument is but an ancient Egyptian phallic symbol whose construction was stopped for a season during the great Finney Revival.   Dagon as you may recall was the fish god with the trunk of a fish and the head and hands of a human worshipped by the Philistines (I Chronicles 10:10). Many of the ceremonies of Baal worship are reminiscent of Tibetan tantric rites complete with female sexual consorts.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” ~Revelation 18:4 KJV.  

EGYPT- TIBET CONNECTION. The occult writings of Jesuit Athanasius Kirchner (1602-1680) reveal his research that ancient Egypt influenced   the tantric culture of Tibet.  Siegbert Hummel saw the “Land of Snows” as almost a reserve for Mediterranean traditions” and likewise nominated Egypt as the origin of the tradition of Tibetan mysteries.  But it was the occultist (and founder of the Theosophical Society) Helena Blavatsky who saw the origins of both cultures as flowing from the same source. The two “supernatural secret societies”, who whispered the ideas to her were the “Brotherhood of Luxor” and the “Tibetan brotherhood.” (Trimondi: Shadow of the Dalai Lama pg. 131).

Prayer: Reveal the hidden deeds of darkness in our nation, O YESHUA, KING OF KINGS. Reveal the hidden structures of corruption and the secret societies. May You raise up men and women of God, like prophets and judges of old to combat the rise of darkness in our nation’s capitol.  We ask for chastening and cleansing of the Congress and for righteous men and women to serve as our President, Vice President, Cabinet,  Representatives, Senators, Judges, and Military leaders. We pray for a purging and outpouring of the convicting power of the HOLY SPIRIT on the Nation.

THE WESTERN LAMA.  Is it any coincidence that US President Barack H. Obama is supporting a war in Egypt? That he’s called “The Western Lama” by the Dalai Lama? By others in the Middle East, a King?  That in “Batman Begins” a “supernatural secret society” out of the Himalayas is out to establish a new order of things by destroying the unredeemable Gotham City? That we presently are fighting a war in Afghanistan, where Greek magic came into contact with the teachings of tantric Buddhism. That out of the region of Swat, in Pakistan, Al Quaeda’s stronghold, Padmasambhava, the Tantric Tibetan Shaman launches out to Tibet where he conquers Tibet’s indigenous gods and converts it to Vajrayana Buddhism?   That the hosts of the upcoming visit of the Dalai Lama to Chicago following the Kalachakra ceremony in Washington DC is the Theosophical Society , the White Buddhists?

 SYNCRETISM. While attending the “Seventh International Conference on Christian-Buddhist Dialogue” at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, I was troubled by the syncretism that I witnessed between Roman Catholicism and Buddhism.  While I initially expected that I would be mostly talking with Buddhists about the Gospel, I found myself in five or six conversations with Catholics, including Roger Corliss who seemed to be making the pilgrimage to Buddhist thought and practice. They were intrigued why it was that I, a former Buddhist, left Buddhism for Christianity. The conclusion of the matter usually was, “A man cannot serve two masters.”  They seemed to walk away sad. I wonder if they ever even knew the LORD Jesus?

PRAYER: May those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ,  find themselves more and more devoted to our Savior and Master Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua Ha’Moshiach and serve YHWH with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. 

MANDALA POLITICS. One talk on religion and politics focused upon “The Mandalization of Politics.”  I recall hearing years ago of the discovery of a map of Tibet which showed how it was conquered through ritual magic events and when all the lines were assembled together it resembled a woman nailed down. Their attempts kept being thwarted to take over Tibet, until they subjugated a woman under the water. Finally, they were able to take Lhasa, the capitol of Tibet. When I look at the map of Turtle Island dotted with all the mandala and vase locations, I wonder what the Tibetan shamans are seeing? Is the final victory lap for them in Washington, DC?

PRAYER: Unveil the Tibetan plans of establishing the Shambhala Empire and its expansion in America. Reveal to us what the dot matrix mandala and vase map is attempting to do. Forgive us, O Master Yeshua Ha’Moshiach, for not being wide awake to the incursion of Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and other false religions on our land and not welcoming the immigrant into our nation and sharing the Gospel with them.  Forgiveness for rejecting Your Torah and not keeping Your statutes (Amos 2:4).

You have said, “For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they rejected the law of the LORD, and have not kept His statutes; their lies also have led them astray, those after which their fathers have walked…For commanding the prophets saying, ‘You shall not prophesy!’ (Amos 2:4 a, 12b).

Forgiveness for bestowing honor on the Dalai Lama, a foreign god-king paid by the CIA.

He who punished ‘the altars of Bethel” (Amos 3:14), do you not think He will punish the United States who has funded the Dalai Lama and the Kalachakra Ceremony in Washington, DC? Repent, turn back to the God who you trusted in your founding. “In God We Trust” shall be a broken covenant for which the US will be held accountable.

Congress, you stay in session over the Fourth of July for figuring out how to deal with the US Deficit.  Instead of celebrating Independence, may you instead don sack cloth and ashes and repent for failing to steward the nation and serving as gatekeepers. Remembering,

“On the 30th Day of April in 1863, President Lincoln issued this proclamation for a National Day of Fasting, humiliation and prayer. He said, “We have been recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand, which has preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us. We have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated by unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient, and too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended power to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”

The question posed to the Christian community originally about the tidal wave of Buddhism in America was, “Who opened the door?” I read some interesting commentary by Ron Campbell which shows how all of Washington, D.C. is laid out in Masonic ritualistic form and is dedicated at a deeper level to the sun god. Ron Campbell asked, “To what deity was Washington, D.C. dedicated? Is it possible that through Masonic rituals, our nation’s government has been symbolically offered to the kingdom of darkness?”

He also addresses the falsehood of Masonry, a secret religious and fraternal order. The Mason, “Manley Hall wrote that a Mason’s religion ‘Must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer.” However, “Roman Catholics, Assemblies of God, and Presbyterian Church of America, and Missouri Synod Lutherans, have said membership in a Masonic Lodge is incompatible with the Christian faith.” The Southern Baptists have refused to admit to this.  “Preacher’s during the First and Second Great Awakening condemned it (Freemasonry)” along with the famous evangelist Charles Finney who openly opposed freemasonry.”

Could we not agree then with the Prophet Isaiah’s confession? “Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips among a people of unclean lips” Are we standing for what we believe or are we like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot, being heated degree by degree until the frog is too complacent to act any longer and boils to death?

“While we do believe in religious liberty, do we not hold to a separation of Church and State? The Supreme Court ruled against prayer in public arenas just weeks before, but here was an event paid for by millions of American tax dollars which featured burning incense, prayer wheels, spiritual sand paintings, prayer monuments, and public Tibetan prayer by the spiritual head of the entire Tibetan Buddhist world.

While, they have a right to assemble as did the Nation of Islam, Promise Keepers and others, but one former State Supreme Court Justice questioned their right to have major public financial backing for a spiritual gathering on the National Mall. The Smithsonian catalogue in 26 pages did much to promote Tibetan Buddhism, religious art, nuns, and the spread of the Buddhist Dharma (teaching) groups in the West. This is tantamount to a State Church being given financing.

As Christians we believe that God loves the Tibetan people whom He created as equals, but He also detests all idolatry. Our nation was not founded on Buddhist principals, it was founded on Judaic-Christian principals. Even though many may contend we live in a post-Christian society which is their right to proclaim, it is our undying commitment that we must continue to call our nation back to its original foundations, while still repenting for our historic failings, e.g., mistreatment of First Nations, African Americans, and allowing the detestable practices of secret societies such as Freemasonry and Skull and Bones (John Kerry and President Bush are members). A call to return the skull and bones of Geronimo from your shameful men’s club.  For President Obama to issue a formal apology for insulting the First Nation’s Hero Geronimo in the latest capture and killing of Osama bin Laden. For a restitution of all the 200,000 First Nation bodies held without rest in the Nation’s capitol to be returned to their tribes for proper burial.  For National and Denominational repentance for the shameful covenant breaking of the American Government and complicity of American Christian denominations in the abusive boarding school systems. (II Chronicles 7:12-22).

God has set before us today a blessing or a curse. If you obey His commands, “The LORD will command the blessing upon you in your barns and in all that you put your hand to, and He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you… the LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, as He swore to you…” (Deuteronomy 28:8-9). However, if we worship idols, burn incense to other gods, turn prayer wheels, build vain sand mandalas and prayer monuments to false deities, He has promised to curse us.

This is instructive to the Tibetan people who may wonder why God has judged their nation and to us if we do not turn away from our nation’s present wickedness. God is long-suffering and yet His judgments are righteous and forthcoming.

He said, “The LORD will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you shall not understand, a nation of fierce countenance who shall have no respect for the old, nor show favor to the young.” This will all come about “If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law which are written in this book, to fear this honored and awesome name the LORD your God…” (Deut. 28:49,58).